Tandoori Prawns
Love this as it is healthy and you can have it with salad yum yum * Skewers (soaked in water ) * 24 peeled green prawns * 1tbs tandoori paste * 1 cup natural greek yoghurt Mix tandoori paste with greek yoghurt, add prawns and marinate for about 15 mins. Thread onto skewers and grill on bbq or cook in a pan. Serve with rice…
Cancer is in the Past
Something I used to say to myself while I was going through treatment was 'One day this will all be in the past'. And I think that this week I arrived at that day. I still have a silicone breast forever and tablets and injections for another 3 years but in my head I feel like maybe I'm not traumatised any more. Today I had…
Struggling to survive after Cancer
After surviving Breast Cancer, having a double mastemony and 6 cycles of Chemotherapy myself and my son are finding it hard to survive financially to the point were we can not afford our eletricity bill and will probably have to leave what little support I have in Townsville (of which I have lived here for over 30 years).…
Mini Field of Women
Hello friends! Just wanted to let you all know that we are hosting a mini field of women event in Beenleigh SE Qld, on July 21, 2013. This will be followed by afternoon tea and a theatre performance all for $15 funds raised going to BCNA. For more information follow the link http://eepurl.com/BcyMn Hope to see some of you…
2013 ride to conquer cancer
Hi all, Does anyone want to join me in this ride on the 1-2 December this year it's a big ride but gee it would be fantastic to do it. I so need something to look forward to and this would be such a great challenge. Wouldn't it be nice to have a BC team? Want to join me? Want to start training from scratch? like me? Yes it…
Dont Sweat the Small Stuff
..and its all small stuff. This is a quote I appreciate, taken from the front of a book I bought years ago. The pages are discoloured now, so I have had it for a long time. Please read the following words knowing they are my thoughts and possibly not yours, and I hope you read them realising they were written with…
12 months on...
Hi ya'll... I'm practicing my American drawl for when i go over next year, well, hope to be going! I need it!!June 12 marked one year since chemo ( Taxotere), and my body has played hardball on me since i last wrote. And, I lost two more good cancer buddies, David & George. David hurts the most I think, strong beautiful…
2013 NOt a good year
hi again , just had another knock to the teeth. igot diagnosed with Breast Cancer in late January of this year then one week before my chemo was due to start i got terrible news that dear darling Dad was tradically killed in a car accident. One month ago I found out that my position at work had been cut and all the Nurse…
Feeling almost normal
Went back to work on Tuesday! Yay! Some normality at last. Feel somewhat "normal" as I had chemo 2 weeks ago. Hair slowly coming out. Got my hair cut short last week so it would only fall out in small clumps not big ones! Glad I made that decision. As my hair was falling on the floor at the hairdresser , yes I was crying…
After breast cancer and menapause
Hi, I would like to talk to anyone who has had problems with sex after breast cancer and menapause. I was diagnosed at 42 and at 47 and went through early menapause. I would like to hear from other ladies who have gone through similar and discuss if they have found any products that may have helped.
so they say "try and stay postive " AGH!!!!
Oh such well meaning words!! and listen I do not doubt for one minute that they are said with well meaning BUT!!! there are some days when you want to scream at them and say.........."What about..........my head hurts I have a permanent low grade head ache, i'm aching and tired all the time, my brain is cloudy, my mouth is…
Bored, Frustrated or Lonely?
Well that sounds like the beginning of an Ad ! I have experienced all 3 and whoke up this morning realising they were the underlying issues of my moods of late. I have been reading, watching TV, painting and going for walks as my forms of entertainment most of the time. I am frustrated for many reasons. I guess the best…
Hello to all!
Hi all, It has been a while since I have posted. Lovely life just gets in the way. Today is particularly special for me. Two years today I had my surgery so now I can safely say I am now 2 year cancer free!!!! Even though I had my checkup in April today seems to hold some special memories. Hope everyone is travelling ok…
Hi, Just joined. I was diagnosed 8 months ago. I was 35 years old. I had the lump out, and 6 months of chemo. Now I'm week 3 of 6 of radiation. It hasn't spread into my lymp nodes. I'm very lucky. It's been a ride! Lots of sides effects. I'm now just starting to get on top of everything. I start tamoxifen in 3 weeks. I'm…
Encouragement and control of fear
PANIC, FEAR, CONTROL, FEAR, SURVIVAL I am noticing some common links to all the women who speak openly on BCNA. It doesnt involve what Cancer type, what style of treatment, or how many children you have. The common link are our emotions. Their Ebb and Flow, and ultimately how we control our fear and regain strength to…