Dont Sweat the Small Stuff

..and its all small stuff. This is a quote I appreciate, taken from the front of a book I bought years ago. The pages are discoloured now, so I have had it for a long time. Please read the following words knowing they are my thoughts and possibly not yours, and I hope you read them realising they were written with kindness.
From my own experience I had found that what I focused on, my negative thoughts, or concerns, could easily create the power of a situation to spiral further out of control into worry.
I decided that filling my head with thoughts of how overwhelmed I was only maked it worse and what a waste of thought and time it always was. Worrying about things that never happened, and fear of the unknown were very draining to my energy.
I therefore am now practising to live in the here and now. Not reacting, remaining calm and being happier are the rewards.
Sometimes the problems arent small, but how big they get, are often our own creation.
That is so true - and it really works. I am happy you have found the way to some calm and peace of mind. It isn't always easy to live in the moment but it has some huge benefits. It is still one day at a time for us - maybe always will be - but it's worth the effort. I feel very happy for you. Big hug,Michelle x0
That is so true - and it really works. I am happy you have found the way to some calm and peace of mind. It isn't always easy to live in the moment but it has some huge benefits. It is still one day at a time for us - maybe always will be - but it's worth the effort. I feel very happy for you. Big hug,Michelle x0
Hi girls, That is my motto too. I just live one day at at time and also in the MOMENT. I makes life so much easier. XLeonie
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The brain is so powerful and I think when we have or have had bc the part of the brain that goes into overdrive is the negatives and the downs. How amazing is it as much as we stay up and be positive that devil creeps in . I agree bel my negatives were consuming at the beginning but I'm with you grab the good , actualy ive heard my family when im singing or dancing in the kitchen say mums lost it ha ha. by the way your looking pretty good in the new pic. Regards adean0
Adean, the "new picture" was taken before my hair fell out, almost the day before it was shaved off. So any pictures I put up as my profile at the moment are from before I went bald as a bit of a positive pick me up ! (smiling). It is my last picture of my hair before it fell out and I supposed the comment about looking good is referring to my face, and the make-up and the smile certainly make a massive difference. Thank you for the compliment Adean, it is appreciated.
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Hi girls, I've just puchased some positive affirmation cards by Louise L Hay as I was also finding the negative thoughts consuming me. Today's card is to say "out" to any negative thoughts that come into the mind, .