12 months on...

I sure hope you get that holiday to America next year.Sorry to hear you have a long list of ailments to battle with at the moment.It gets abit much doesn't it. You get that way that you wonder what you'll wake up with tomorrow.Pleurosy is not nice-maybe you've pulled a chest muscle from coughing.I've had that and it's very painful,like someone stabbed you.In anycase,all of the above are better options than lung mets.Well it sounds like you only have problems from the neck down! This is the best place to have a whinge as we all seem to have ongoing health issues.I woke up a few weeks ago with bad headaches and elevated blood pressure-never had that before.I've also started to get some lymphoedema in my armpit after 3 years.These seem minor but add them to the already long list and you start to get abit fedup.So I sympathize with you and hope you can resolve some of your health problems.I'm also sorry to hear about the passing of your 2 friends-a sad and stressful time for you.Sending hugs.
Tonya xx