Daylight savings time - Tamoxifen
Due to daylight savings time ending here in Victoria. Should I change the time I take my Tamoxifen tablet? I take it at 8.30am every day, do I now take it at 7.30am? Or am I overthinking things? I keep forgetting to ask my oncologist.
most of the threads I can find about constipation are quite old so thought I would start a new one . Having just spent a very uncomfortable Friday / night at home, followed by fun Saturday in emergency, and a Saturday night in the short stay unit with the worst constipation ever am looking for some tips advice on how…
Wendy55 is chugging along ..... and will respond herself later
Hi there I've been chatting with @wendy55 via Messages, and she has asked me to let you know that she is okay, chugging along and she will respond herself, later. Take care, everyone
Exchange Surgery and 4th Cancerversary 💗
Hello to everyone and Happy Easter 🐣🐇🪺. I’ve been a bit quiet on here, just focusing on life after breast cancer I guess, going back to work, trying to get healthier etc. Today I’m posting again because it’s my 4th cancersary 🎉, and I’m also 2 weeks post my third surgery since this whole ride started. This was the surgery…
New to This
Hi I had a mammogram, followed by an ultrasound and a core biopsy last Friday and today saw the specialist and found out I have Invasive lobular breast cancer, possibly stage 2. Not all results have come back yet. I have to have a bone scan on Thursday and a CT scan followed by an MRI the following week, then surgery the…
Happy birthday wishes to @Sally_AS
Happy birthday @Sally_AS
Happy birthday wishes to @Pinkkittykat
Wishing you a happy birthday @Pinkkittykat
Happy birthday to dear @ cranky_granny
To dear @cranky_granny wishing you a very Happy Birthday filled with family, friends and laughter <3 I hope that you have a lovely day xx
Today is @lilymax84 Birthday 🎁!!
Happy birthday to you dear @lilymax84 I hope that your day is a joyful relaxing one x
Happy birthday dear @Isaidso
Wishing you a very happy birthday @Isaidso
After 4 rounds of AC and 4 of paclitaxel, coffee tastes like coffee again. In the unpredictable world of chemo side effects, I'm enjoying it while it lasts 😀
An update on my situation
What happened previously... My doctor (GP) told me that I had breast cancer, then I saw the breast surgeon and she said it isn't cancer. I do not agree that I don't have breast cancer. I have Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and another possible carcinoma. I have an early form of breast cancer that requires treatment, and I'm…
Hello there BC group could i please be added to to reconstruction group. I would find it super helpful to have a look at images from various recon surgeries thanks in advance
Access to NDIS?
I should maybe post this in the metastatic group, but it’s fairly quiet there so I thought just a general post might be more visible. To summarise, I was diagnosed stage 4 de novo (liver mets) HER2+ in 2015 at age 40. I did 5 months of paclitaxel and have continued on with 3 weekly Herceptin and Perjeta since then. My…
What’s happening in choosing breast reconstruction….
What’s happening in Choosing breast reconstruction. Hi all, Just a quick reminder for those who belong to the choosing breast reconstruction group but haven’t popped over recently to have a look. We have a member who is still in pain 6 months after a mastectomy with a direct to implant reconstruction. Here is the link if…