
TaraJ Member Posts: 52
most of the threads I can find about constipation are quite old so thought I would start a new one .

Having just spent a very uncomfortable Friday / night at home, followed by fun Saturday in emergency, and a Saturday night in the short stay unit with the worst constipation ever am looking for some tips advice on how others have managed this going forward

Generally I am a good popper , once a day (give or take) and have a faulty good diet. But this round of chemo that went in Monday had upset my whole system

So love to hear how others have coped what food to eat / not to eat , drink , drugs  etc


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,470
    I found yoghurt, prunes or figs, and plenty of greens mainly worked well. If not, a small amount of a mild laxative (I used Laxettes) was worth using sooner rather than later to keep everything in order. Best wishes. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,303
    Hi @TaraJ
    Might not work for everyone but when I was in hospital  with my mastectomy and very constipated from the pain meds the nurse gave me prune  juice which did the trick.
    Also important to keep the fluids up ( water, herbal tea are good) and roughage - fresh fruit and veggies, porridge/muesli/weet bix etc.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    Nothing worked for me. They had me on coloxyl, lactulose and movicol and then tried an enema. Took three weeks and then I had to stay on the lactulose and coloxyl. Most people are much better than that. My sister told me to warm up some prune juice and add a big dob of butter. It actually helped a little to get things started. Get on top of it asap.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,522
    Lots of vegetables especially green vegetables, a few prunes daily or prune juice helps. I did a vegetable juice daily.  The juice i did contained celery, beetroot,  carrot, ginger and berries. You could add psyllium husk too or put the psyllium husk on cereal. You can buy psyllium husk in supermarkets and if used daily it helps. Alot of aged care places use it on cereals to help people stay regular. Best wishes to you.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 290
    Hi @TaraJ that’s sounds rough - I didn’t experience constipation, had more trouble with diarrhoea. 
    Not sure if you’ve been prescribed Ondansetron (one of the anti nausea medications) but the nurses told me it can contribute to constipation and a way of countering that (aside from all the other good tips above) is to also take the other anti-nausea medication Maxollon, as it can have the opposite effect. Really hope you don’t have a repeat of your last weekend in hospital, sounds no fun at all. 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Sorry to hear @TaraJ.    I had the other end of the scale.   The couple of times I did get constipation fig jam worked for me.   I didnt need a lot.   
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    thanks Cath,  one of the nurses sugested Pear juice over prune juice ~ it tastes so much better
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2024
    thanks everyone,   some great tips here that I am sure will help everyone

    Update:   I went home with a plan   Sunday afternoon,   2 Coloxyl,  2 Movicol at once and everything loved along.   Have slowly worked my way to somewhat normal.    Drinking tonnes of water,   lots of vegies, fruit and generally thinking about everything that goes in my mouth  (definatley up there with the worst weekend of my life)

    But appears Movicol and Coloxyl are the things that work for me,
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    Fig jam is a intersting one have never heard that before.  But I guess figs are kind of like prunes maybe

  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    @TaraJ, I was on dense dose AC and then weekly Taxols. Suffered constipation throughout chemo. I also found Coloxyl works for me. There is also a trend when constipation hit me ( generally, 3rd day after chemo), I then actively take Coloxyl to prevent constipation. I found taking Kiwi fruit everyday helps with the constipation as well.
  • TaraJ
    TaraJ Member Posts: 52
    yes,  that seems to be when it hit me ~ feel everything starts on day 3 :)
    Feeling much better now,  and will be putting a plan in place for next round for sure 

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 956
    Hi @GinGin. I’m a Bit late to the conversation but i swing from constipation to diarrhoea since treatment finished. Another lovely side effect of meds. Im banned from getting constipated as i have a prolapse if i don’t go for a day I have to have 2 x Movicol I don't want to risk moving the uterine ring out of place. Like you i have increased the roughage intake and fluid intake just cant seem to give up the coffee which is apparently not goid fir constipation. With the diarrhoea side I just ride it out.