Have your say on the online network
Dear fellow network members, If you are like me and sometimes don't check the announcements; I am re-posting Mez's announcements message about the review of the online network. Please all take part in the survey which is open until next Monday.
A big welcome to all New Online Network Members .....
A warm welcome to all new Online Network members - to the club that no-one really wants to join! Here, You can raise ANY issue, and get helpful replies from those who’ve gone before you, cos we 'get it'. Nothing is off limits. We have ‘private groups’ for some more personal discussions .... so feel free to join any of…
Hi all My fingernails are in a terrible state despite my best efforts, they do not like the paclitaxel. My toenails, however, are totally unaffected. Same routine on both. My fingernails have turned varying shades of red through to purplish brown, and one is infected, and I've been prescribed antibiotics. All but 2 of them…
Wishing you a very happy birthday @Raich
Dear @Raich I hope that you’re birthday is a very happy one xx
Difficulties getting and moving in bed.
Recently had mastectomy implant and reconstructive surgery for DCIS and had my other breast reconstructed to match the one that had the DCIS,I was finding it so difficult and painful to get out and move in bed when I thought of a adjustable bed stock (I didn’t know that’s what it was called till I found one) it has been a…
Happy birthday @shiree
Happy birthday wishes to dear @shiree
Wishing you a very happy birthday @rebeccamarie
Happy birthday wishes to @rebeccamarie
Zometa side effects
I had breast cancer - lumpectomy - chemo and Radiation. Now iam on 6 monthly Zometa. On my second solution of Chemo i was hit with serious Fatique and it has taken a long time to get back to some sort of normal althought i still have some bad days. I had my first infustion of Zometa two weeks ago and i got the fatique back…
Should less treatment be offered to 'older' women with BC? Over 70s ....
A bit disconcerting to read a report, released on Dec 6th 2023, that there may be talk of offering less treatment options to 'older women' (ie over 70s) when diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Maybe they need to ask their mother or grandmother to see if this is acceptable to what they would want, if they were diagnosed with BC?…
Join us next week in person or online! Free Information Forums in Devonport and Hobart
Next week we will be in Tasmania as part of our free national Information Forum series. We are bringing leading experts to events in Devonport on Tuesday 30 April and Hobart on Thursday 2 May to talk on a range of breast cancer topics. Our events are for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer or who is…
Has surgery last week for DCIS mastectomy and implant and other side made to match my new boob. Found out yesterday that there was a 1 cm cancerous growth that hadn’t shown up on any of the scans,feeling so lucky that I had routine mammograms and that DCIS was found so early so grateful to Austin Health for their care they…
Qld Survey on shaping the future of Cancer Care - FINISHES TODAY ..... so jump on NOW!
Have your say and help shape the future of cancer care in Queensland. This survey finishes today .... so jump on NOW if you'd like to add your 'two bits' .... https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/strategic-direction/plans/queensland-cancer-strategy
Looking for hope - (ENHERTU next treatment path)
Moderator moved @Kosta post from 'Activity Section' to 'General Discussion' Section:
PALB2 mutant gene
Hi everyone, I have just finished my chemo and radio and just starting hormone therapy and I’m doing ok so far 😊 My oncologist asked me to do a genetic test back in october and I have finally received my results, I have a mutant PALB2 gene which I understand increases my risk of breast, ovarian and pancreas cancer…. Oh…
Hair cut before cold cap?
Hello there! I am going to start chemo soon and am going to use a cold cap. I've read your hair may still fall out so I'm wondering if I should still make a hair appointment to get it cut pretty short? Did any ladies with the cold cap get their hair cut short before starting chemo or should I just wait and see how my hair…