@Anniepan - Happy Birthday - 6 Jan
Dear @Anniepan55 Best wishes for your birthday! Hope your day is full of fun and laughter!
Hello Lovelies...cancerversary today...mammogram and ultrasound done and probably paranoid...for those that cancer come back, were you told on the day of scans or your scheduled appointment. TIA xx
Waiting Waiting and more Waiting
I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 in April 2015.....had lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. All mammograms and ultrasound since have been clear. Ten days prior to Christmas I noticed changes to my nipple of the same breast. The end of it actually looked like a wedge had been cut out.....this then very…
I had implants put in about 5 months ago...just very small ones, as I wanted to mimic what my natural breasts had been ...... has anyone else had implants? If so, how do they feel? My breasts feel hard, and sort of numb. Is this normal ? I had expected they would feel soft and have feeling. Could you please tell me about…
Happy Birthday - 4 Jan
Dear @LucyLou_71
Happy Birthday - 3 Jan
Dear @Smez Hope this greeting finds you well and enjoying this your day! Happy Birthday
QUE Hot Flush Medication Drug Trial
I have just completed the trial. It was a double blind study, meaning that no one knew whether I was on the real drug or the placebo (except the pharmacist). I think I was on the actual drug. I had fewer severe hot flushes, and especially at night. It didn't get rid of them completely but my severe ones were knocked back…
Bariatric surgery after TRAM
Hi! First time poster here :) I'm 6 years post Tram Recon (7 years post BC) I was just wondering if anyone has had bariatric surgery after a Tram? I've done alot of research but I can't find anyone who has and not had any issues with the mesh, any info would be great! Thanks x
sharing specialists
Hi. Just a quick (and silly) question. Do any of you 'share' the same specialists with an immediate family member and how do you feel about it?
Happy Birthday - 24 Dec - Caz1
Wishing @Caz1 Birthday greetings Hope you have a fantastic birthday!
Feeling afraid and silly at the same time
Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I'm awaiting results from my core needle biopsy and the fear is almost paralysing. I think I can go through a cancer diagnosis and treatment as long as it is not advanced cancer. My ultrasound and mammogram showed that my lymph nodes look clear, but I can't get the worst case scenario out of…
Thyroid and Breast Cancer
This message is for Arpie. Could you perhaps let me know the name of your specialist. I have not come across ANY doctor who understands thyroid problems or even thinks that perhaps there may be a connection between both medical issues. I put on weight (which I can ill afford to do) when I took Tamoxifen and drs. told me it…
Tamoxifen & Thyroxine
I’ve been on Thyroxine meds (under active thyroid) for years without issues, but now with taking Tamoxifen, it seems things are not the same. Doc wants to monitor me for a couple more months before she changes things. My questions are , anyone out there taking them together? Or should I separate them ? And if separated…
Unsure about radiation after complete response after chemo & surgery for triple negative bc - Help
Hello ladies I'm 26 and earlier this year I was diagnosed with local advanced triple negative breast cancer. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes so they got me started on chemo within 2 weeks of diagnose. I completed chemo in the end of September and just did my conservation breast surgery on the 5th of November & also…
Radiation Burn Treatment
Hi Can anyone recommend anything to treat my severe radiation burns on my Breast .