Happy Birthday @duxx1234 - 27 January
Sending birthday wishes to @duxx1234 Many Happy Returns
@Deanne Happy Birthday - 27 Jan
Dear @Deanne Best wishes for today your birthday! Many Happy Returns
Breast cancer in the media
Hello. I have been taking Arimidex for nearly 4 years post surgery/ chemo and Radiation. I've =now recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen and could it be the Arimidex or maybe a result of Chemo and/or radiation?
Moving to Hervey Bay Area
Hi. I was diagnosed late last year and have had surgery and I am now on Hormone Blockers. Radiation has been discussed but the Oncologist felt it was not necessary in my case. my question is we are considering a move to Hervey Bay and I would like to know if needed down the track would I be able to access treatment there.
@nonkyboy - Happy Birthday - 22 Jan
Dear @nonkyboy Best wishes for today your birthday!
I made my 5 year milestone from my 2nd diagnosis :)
Hey All! Been a very long time since I've posted in the main Forum, however I felt it important to share this. My first diagnosis was in 2011, I underwent a lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen. 4yrs later at my routine yearly checkup, I was diagnosed with a recurrence in the scar tissue of the lumpectomy :( it was a 2.5cm…
@ Emelon1 - Happy Birthday - 20 Jan
Dear @Emelon1 Sending birthday greetings your way!
Mastectomy and reconstruction - Replacing ruptured implants
I had a breast cancer diagnosis in 2012 which led to bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction with micro-textured silicone implants. One of the implants ruptured about 18 months ago. Since then I have noted that the shape and feel of the implant has changed. There are lumps and small hardened bumps which would be…
The answer wasn’t clear
Well I’m off to see Oncologist on Thursday am i silly to ask. The answer to the proposed radiation was delivered to me by by the nurse coordinator that I wouldn’t be having radiation and a letter would be sent to my GP. None arrived at my visit with him this week sothe question is the sclerotic bone lesion in the Sacrum…
return to work adjustment
My GP completed a return to work form for me for my workplace in November, which has resulted in my workplace adjusting my hours to the equivalent of 9 days over 10. This was for 6 months. Work now wants me to get my GP to complete the exact same form, 6 weeks in from this arrangement. When should I see my GP? Should it be…
plastic surgeon recommendations tasmania
Hi, I have just been advised to have a double masectomy and my ovaries removed. I will be having reconstructive surgery at the same time as the masectomy. Can anyone recommend a good breast reconstruction surgeon in Tasmania, as there are only a few to choose from.
@GUMNUT123 - Happy Birthday 9 Jan
Dear @GUMNUT123 Happy Birthday wishes coming your way! It's a popular date shared by others here today!
@Justtoomuch - Happy Birthday - 9 Jan
Dear @Justtoomuch Wishing you all the best for today your Birthday! It's a popular date shared by others here today!
@Dawnc - Happy Birthday - 9 January
Dear @Dawnc Best wishes for today your birthday. It's a popular date shared by others here today!