Donating breast forms/prosthesis
Hi. Does anyone know where I can donate my breast prosthesis? I have had my reconstruction now so do not require them. They are expensive so I thought someone might want/need them.
Happy Birthday - 17 Nov - Lrb_03
Dear @lrb_03 Sending birthday wishes your way! Have a lovely day!
Happy Birthday - 16 Nov - Payne
Dear @Payne Happy birthday greetings coming your way! Have a lovely day!
Bras for bigger cup size?
Hi , I have just had my unilateral mastectomy and am ready to get back into a bra. As a 12ff I am worried ( after looking online) that they don't come in my size. Should I think about a normal, wire free bra in my size and then buy a pocket to sew in? Where can you buy pockets?
Happy Birthday - 14 Nov - inkpetal
Dear @InkPetal Sending you birthday greetings and wishing you many happy returns Enjoy!
Would like to find out if anyone didn't finish their 12 weeks of Taxol? I am on my 8th treatment, struggling with the fatigue etc.
Bias in medical science
This makes me hopping mad... :# https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/13/the-female-problem-male-bias-in-medical-trials
Life - is it metastasis or not
Life has been one heck of a roller coaster since I was on here last, Just when I had been back at work and full steam ahead with life and plans and Feeling great about life. Then is went to trash. This year I lost my dad in May to Esophageal cancer it took a year, then My Brother in August lung cancer (well actually the…
Happy Birthday - 13 Nov - adean
Dear @adean We hear today is your birthday! Sending you birthday greetings Have a lovely time!
Any support groups in Melbourne?
Morning all. Went to a Look Good Feel Great workshop on Monday. I loved it, the presenters were beautiful , I totally recommend it. It was so lovely to meet wth other cancer survivors. For me , that was probably the best thing , meeting people who just get it. Made me wonder if there are any groups in Melbourne I don’t…
Happy Birthday - 12 Nov - Mrs_H
Dear @Mrs_H Sending you birthday greetings Hope your day is full of laughter and joy
Happy Birthday - 11 Nov - Kat09
Dear @Kat09 Hope your day is full of laughter and joy Happy birthday
Happy Birthday - 9 Nov - Patchworkmum
Dear @Patchworkmum Popular day for a birthday! Birthday greetings coming your way - hope you have a lovely birthday Wishing you Many Happy Returns
Snarky Cow
I'm into my second week of radiotherapy and I have a problem. When I say that, I realise it is my problem, but it's giving me the irrits. One of the technicians is really giving me the shits. I met her on the first day of actual treatment, so I was on the table for a while as they faffed about. The first thing she did was…
Rise of the machines😩🤬🥴🤢
Is anyone else terrified of the scanners, the beam, the other thing that’s round? It’s been building for weeks. I can call it out right now. This is my first “phobia”. It’s not claustrophobia. Just looking at them terrifies me. And so does everything else - the powerlessness, it’s impersonal and cold, it’s poorly…