What are you supposed to do if you have been given the textured implants (linked to lymphoma)?
I have the Mentor Memorygel textured implants which are on the "voluntary recall" list in the US but I don't know what the advice is here in Australia. I had my reconstruction (after double mastectomy) in the public system in Sydney but I have not been contacted by the plastics team about the lymphoma risk. Does anyone…
Sentinel Node Biopsy
Hi, I would like to hear from anyone who had positive results in theatre with the sentinel node biospy only to be told later that there was cancer detected. Just trying to decide if I go back to surgery for a clearance?
Prosigna testing
Has anyone had gene testing such as Prosigna and how has it guided you in treatment decisions? How have you judged a low risk of recurrence and would you decline any element of common approaches to treatment (chemo, radiation, endocrine therapy?) as a result. Discussion on this site suggests to me that all of the hormonal…
Happy Birthday - 3 Nov KylieG
@KylieG Hope your day is full of laughter and joy Best Wishes
Latissimus Dorsi Reconstruction
In April 19 I had a mastectomy and lat dorsi reconstruction. I am still experiencing swelling/fluid that comes and goes in my back and boob, tightness in my back and general discomfort. I also had a seroma under my arm so a drain tube was put in for 4 weeks, and was removed 3 weeks ago. I guess I’m feeling it’s one step…
12 month scans
This time last year is all a bit of a haze - drs appointments, tests, surgery, treatment - on and on for the next 6 months. Am now approaching my 1 year scan and the anxiety is building up. I know I can’t change the outcome, but somehow this thought does not help a lot. Scan is Friday & then we fly out on Monday for an…
Happy Birthday - 30 Oct - Southgirl
@Southgirl Wishing you a great birthday and many more happy returns
Happy Birthday - 2 Nov - Barney74
Dear @Barney74 Sending you birthday wishes on this your day - hope you have a lovely birthday
Lymphedema - working with keyboard and mouse
Been awhile since I have been here but looking for some advice. I was diagnosed with Lymphedema in my hand and lower arm 13 months after breast and auxiliary clearance due to the cancer spreading to the nodes. The last 12 months I have been using compression garments, massage the area regularly and have a lymphatic massage…
Christmas on the blog
Dear all , It’s coming up to the festive season once again. All of us , including the medical community , tend to spend time enjoying ourselves with our families and friends.However there are those newly diagnosed or worried about their diagnosis that need our support over Christmas online as medical support unless an…
ADH Diagnosis - So hard not to feel like a ticking time bomb
Hi everyone. I was looking for somewhere to connect and although I don't have a diagnosis of cancer, this seems to be the best fit. I am 57 and have no recollection of any breast cancer in my family. My story in a nutshell is that my last mammogram in late Sept (I have them regularly but was about 6 months late this time)…
Happy Birthday - 28 Oct GJH_104
Dear @GJH_104 have a wonderful day on this your birthday! Best wishes
thank you for my birthday wishes
Hi ladies, to all of you who sent me birthday wishes for October 25th,I say a very big thank you, you know who you are!. I havent been very active on the bcna online forum, in fact I havent been very active at all!Life has been very quiet, chemo three weeks out of 4, and as its a 4 hour round trip and then factor in the…
Happy Birthday - 25 Oct - Wendy55
@wendy55 Wishing you a great birthday and many happy returns
Freaking out a bit
Hi, It’s been a while since I’ve been on here....mainly because I cope best by not thinking about the cancer. (Diag dec 2017...stage 2. +Hormone -Her - Lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen) But, over the past 6 weeks, I’ve developed tinnitus, dizziness and bad headache) I’ve been to the ENT who has referred me for a head…