Happy Birthday - 29 Sept - Nikkilee
Dear @Nikkilee Happy Birthday to you! Best wishes
Happy birthday - 28 Sept - pammy46
Dear @Pammy46 Wishing you a wonderful birthday Best wishes Take care
Uncontrollable Emotions
Help I feel like I am going crazy...……... I have so far had 3 rounds of TC (docetaxel and cyclophosphamide) chemotherapy and have managed it quite well. I have had about 4 days where I have been unwell but by day 7 I am pretty much back to my normal self. It has been 2.5 weeks since my last round, but this past week I have…
Happy Birthday - 27 Sept - 55Jlz
Dear @55Jlz Hope this birthday greeting brings a smile Sending you best wishes for this, your birthday
Two Beautiful Souls
Each month I meet up with a small group of Cancer survivors for lunch were we chat and laugh. All beautiful ladies who have been bought together through "Audreys Angels of Hope" a local charity organisation who supports all those with cancer, whether it is supporting those going through treatment or those finished…
Stay in hospital after surgery
Can someone tell me how long you are in hospital after breast cancer surgery. I am currently having chemo, which I finish in December, and will then have my operation (two lumpectomies in one breast). This will be followed by radiation at some stage. I wasn’t sure if it was a fairly short stay in hospital, or if it could…
Happy Birthday - 24 Sept - Hilltop Dreamer
Dear @HillTop_Dreamer Wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many happy returns and relaxing times Take care and Best Wishes Hugs
Berlei soft form bra insert
Hello everyone, I am close to having my single mastectomy and have been looking at the berlei soft form bra inserts. Just after some feedback if anyone has used before and sizing recommendations Thanks
October get together !
Hello Ladies After organizing our Melbourne ladies lunch in April , we thought we may have a weekend gathering to enable interstate ladies to come & meet us all. At this stage the date is the weekend of 19th October in Melbourne . I am more than happy to co-ordinate & organize ,but will need input from those wishing to…
Happy Birthday - 23 Sept - Piccme
Dear @Piccme Sending you birthday greetings and wishing you many happy returns Have a good one! Hugs
Happy Birthday - 23 Sept - EarthWalkerLisha
Dear @EarthWalkerLisha Sending you happy birthday greetings Have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday - 16 Sept - Kiwi Angel
Dear @Kiwi Angel Wishing you a wonderful birthday and many happy returns. Hope your day is delightful Hugs
Anyone tried the Amoena multi-way?
When my scar has healed sufficiently, I'll get a prosthesis and mastectomy bra. I've just watched a video online about the Amoena multi-way product - the adhesive panel that sticks to the back of a prosthesis and to the skin of one's chest. Removable after use and re-useable. Has anyone tried these?
Happy Birthday 21 Sept - Kash
Dear @Kash Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Lots of fun and cake Best wishes Take care
Pinktober is coming up. Let’s not forget the men
@BCNA has set aside a day in the third week of October to raise awareness amongst men about this genderless disease. Here’s some one good talking points and an action plan: http://malebc.org/institutional-gender-discrimination-towards-men-with-breast-cancer/