Anyone tried the Amoena multi-way?

Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
When my scar has healed sufficiently, I'll get a prosthesis and mastectomy bra. I've just watched a video online about the Amoena multi-way product - the adhesive panel that sticks to the back of a prosthesis and to the skin of one's chest. Removable after use and re-useable. Has anyone tried these?


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I have spoken to a woman who had one for those occasions when she didn't want a big bra and she said it worked well.  And I have handled them, although stuck to my hand not my chest (that doesn't sound right, does it? :D ).  I'm thinking about whether to get one next time.  I think that the the only thing that could be a problem is if your scar is too raised or there are other problems with the skin surface it adheres to.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Sister Thanks for that. Yes, I'll need to investigate that factor when my wound from the explant is healed enough. I'm wondering how it would deal with our hot summers too, but maybe they've built in a breathability factor. I'm going to be intrigued to see how they go about matching the weight of my remaining breast. In fact, I might start a thread about that.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    If you were to go that way, I would suggest talking to an Amoena consultant as they would be able to tell you more about whether it would suit you although you can always use them as you would a standard prosthetic.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    Is that for when you don’t wish to wear a bra? I put my prosthetic into my crop top but without a bra my real boob is smaller (read droopier so therefore flatter) so I needed a smaller prosthetic.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Blossom1961 No, it's a flat piece of something, adhesive on both sides - sticks to your skin and to the back of the prosthesis; so the prosthesis is stuck to your chest, not sitting in the bra - the idea being that when you lean forward, it behaves more like a real boob - rather than falling forward in the bra separately.

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I've not tried one but the lady I spoke to used hers for when she wanted to wear clothing that she couldn't wear a prosthetic bra with.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Sister That's good to know.
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Hi @Flaneuse, have you checked out Tracey G at the Wesley. That's where I went for my prosthesis. They are awesome ladies. I hated the idea of a silicone prosthetic stuck to my chest. Our summers are so hot. Just a personal choice. I have the amoena  weighted leisure and also a aqua wave for swimming. 
  • JulieVT11
    JulieVT11 Member Posts: 90
    @Flaneuse it all depends on how level your chest is (sorry can’t think of the right word to use).  My chest was to concave so couldn’t have the stick on prostheses which was a shame - hope that helps 🙂
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    Thanks @LMK74. I'll keep that in mind. @JulieVT11 what you say is really significant for me; since my "revision" surgery, I'm quite neat, but far from being "level". I think I'd be likely to have the same problem.  :/
  • JulieVT11
    JulieVT11 Member Posts: 90
    @Flaneuse I was fitted for my prosthesis at Spirit of Life Boutique in Clayfield, Debra the owner is just fantastic and has just about every different prosthetic in stock. I’m sure she could help/explain your question regarding balancing the weight, I find mine quite heavy sometimes but she explained it had to be that way to sit properly and look “normal”
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @JulieVT11 Thanks very much.  That's good to know. My sister-in-law has been going there for 64 years! That's where I plan to go. It was her video that raised the multi-way product. I just need to wait to heal a bit more.  :)