Gold Coast Doctor recommendation
can anyone urgently send me details of a GP who is familiar with post treatment breast cancer management? Please send details to joyousr@**** I AM DESPERATE I can’t find one and it is causing me great stress as I recently moved here from NSW and have no support
Attending SABCS 2019
Well, thanks a lot Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation for a travel and accommodation scholarship to San Antonio for SABCS 2019. Looking forward to learning heaps and, especially, meeting the many US folks that I have been communicating online with for the past five years. @Giovanna_BCNA Let me know if I can do anything there…
Happy Birthday
Hi all I have taken on the role of Birthday monitor. Hopefully I won't miss any. If you would like to be included please add your date to the listing above. Here's to celebrations and cake Take care
Anyone on the EXPERT trial? New here :)
Not a club anyone wants to join but here we are...
Recommendations for private health insurer for reconstruction surgery
Hi, I have not had private health insurance before and bit confused with it all. I was after some recommendations for PH insurance providers for when I proceed with my recon surgery.
Breast cancer cells 'stick together' to spread through the body during metastasis
Public or Private (please help!!)
After diagnosis of High Grade DCIS with Mastectomy required. My husband and I are both on the aged pension, and have struggled to maintain private health insurance. I live in a rural area which has no access to reconstruction surgery in the private or public system so I need to go to Melbourne. What worries me a lot is the…
arthritis meds and cancer
rheumy wants me on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine , anyone been on those with breast cancer ?/
Teardrop vs Round
Due to the recent recall I have had my surgery postponed (it is now 17 months living with a expander). I was to get a teardrop implant that my surgeon recommended last year but as he is on leave I have a new surgeon who told me it’s up to me and he can’t advise which one is best. After discussions with him I have chosen…
Saying no
So I have a conundrum.... I am in constant lingo between saying no to people/situations and then feeling terrible guilt about it! I’m trying to follow advice in regards to making this time about me and my healing but then I feel I’m spending more time feeling like I’m letting people down and feeling selfish...anyone feel…
Curious regarding HRT
This discussion was created from comments split from: New diagnosis.
Lymphoedema Sleeves
I don't have lymphoedema but in my internet noodling today I came across these. Thought they looked rather fun. No idea if they're any good but the woman I saw wearing one has had cancer three times and seemed pretty happy with her sleeve. https://lymphedivas.com/
Has anyone had dcis in a milk duct removed and not had to have radiation?
ILC Webcast
@berry kindly posted this link on the ILC group but I think it may be of interest to others outside of the ILC sphere. It is a link to an event that was webcast from US on lobular carcinoma so is obviously highly skewed to this variant but the panel is drawn from different sectors of the medical profession and they do…
I don't believe it.
Recently diagnosed with dcis I contacted my daughter to check when she last went for a mammogram as it was she was booked in for the following week. Then I rang my sister to ask when her last one was and to my disbelief, dismay, anger her answer was that she had never had one. Wasn't even keen on the idea, her answer was,…