Ladies that are going thru BC or are part of the BC Support Groups the Male BC guys out there need your support. We need to start a program of “INCLUSION” With your support we can change the attitude of those in charge of all the BC groups and get Male Breast Cancer included in all advertisements, campaigns and fund…
Essential movies to watch when forced to sit on your arse due to treatment.
hi everyone @kmakm @JJ70 Thought I’d start this discussion as recommended in the on our walks discussion as I’ve noticed there’s a few newbies about to start their treatment and what better excuse do you need to watch movies all day.!! Feel free to add the ones from your posts. Muriels wedding 50 first dates the campaign…
Delayed reconstruction
Hi ladies, Has been some time since I was here! I have received negative comments (not on this site) when I mention my desire to undergo reconstruction Could I please hear from anyone who has had this procedure & has some positive feed back for me I am 71 years young, thanks
i have had enough
only into my secodne week of radiation therapy, as the radiologist said im a beginner, i was told it would be 5 weeks of it but possibly more. and that contact type stuff they use just comes off . I its a long trip by mini bus to the rbh and back specially with spinal /hip /shoulder issues . my issues read like a shopping…
So ... I received a Breastscreen NSW reminder for my 2 yearly mammogram!
Who else has received their Mammogram Reminder after being diagnosed & treated? Last week, I was a bit surprised to receive a reminder to have my 2 yearly mammogram as I thought there might be some sort of communication between the various health professionals & the organisation .... then again - why WOULD they know about…
Should I be worried
I had a high grade DCIS last year and had a right breast lumpectomy and a reconstruction. My right breast took 4 months to heal and as a result I had no radiotherapy or Tamoxifen. I have started to get itching and soreness in my left breast, but am not sure whether it's still part of the healing process from the…
hi I saw these bathers on Love Your Sister’s Instagram account. Would anyone know of where this came from? I’m keen to get a pair or two as I am a swimmer (competed as a Paralympian). I also swim the Pier to Pub every year and I’m thinking maybe I’ll brave wearing something with these words. Maybe I’ll find a bather…
Dead Breast Tissue after DIEP
Has anyone had a problem with breast tissue dying when circulation was not maintained after DIEP? 2 weeks ago I had a skin sparing mastectomy of my non breast cancer side by the surgeon who did my original mastectomy, before my plastic surgeon did bilateral DIEP. As soon as I was out of theatre I was told my breast surgeon…
Vale Rob Fincher
Hi all, It is with much sadness that we write to inform you that Rob Fincher died yesterday. He was at home with his beautiful and incredibly strong wife Annie. Rob was a member of our online community and a champion for BCNA. We recently put a video of Rob’s story on our Facebook page and more than 8,000 people have…
Back pain after implant removal and second implants
I was experiencing repeated seroma and infections 7 years after having bilateral mastectomy with recon with lat dorsi. So, I recently had implants removed(textured tear drops)... Loads of capsular contracture and 6 weeks later (2 weeks ago) had round microtextured implants inserted... More removal of capsular contracture.…
Free to a good home
This may be the wrong forum to put this but I can't find anywhere else suitable. I have a very beautiful and very expensive wig (worn twice for weddings) that I would like to give to someone, but there is a catch. This someone has to be doing it tuff, not physically or mentally, but financially. I have been fortunate in my…
bilateral mastectomy then immediate reconstruction results
I have just finished chemo and now deciding on surgery. I am having a bilateral mastectomy with nipple removal and then immediate reconstruction with implants. Has anyone had this with the implant over the muscle? Did they look ok? Also then had radiotherapy after? Where you happy with the result? How many other surgeries…
HER2 negative now HER2 positive
Hi, I have had biopsies which showed hormone positive HER2 negative cancer. I had over 6 months of neoadjuvant chemo before bilateral mastectomy surgery and the results from the surgery shows my cancer is HER2 positive. I have had small response from chemo, with some tumour growth and have positive SNB. My treatment plan…
New pain - other breast - hypochondriac?
Do we all turn into hypochondriacs with every new pain? Or is it just me? :( So last Thurs my right breast (my left was treated) suddenly became really itchy in 1 spot and then I got sharp stabbing pains in that 1 spot, lasted a few hours on and off. Intermittent stabby pains on fri morning so sent a msg to my BCN (this is…
Black nail polish for chemo
Hello all, I am about to have my 3rd round of TC in 2 days time. I noticed that 4 of my fingers have darken a bit. During the last 2 sessions, I did have my fingers painted with black nail polish. Would anyone know the main purpose of black nail polish, is it for blocking out UV rays during summer? Since it's winter now…