This may be the wrong forum to put this but I can't find anywhere else suitable.
I have a very beautiful and very expensive wig (worn twice for weddings) that I would like to give to someone, but there is a catch.
This someone has to be doing it tuff, not physically or mentally, but financially.
I have been fortunate in my battle, touch wood, with Breast Cancer (still being treated) financially . It made me sit back and think BLOODY HELL how do some people get through this. This battle for a large number of us is long, emotional, tiring, and costly.
So I thought what little thing could I do to help and give a little light to someone going through the same as myself, but as I said this person must really need the wig and have no way of obtaining one due to their situation.
This may be ridiculous to some but as I've stated I know I'm one of the lucky ones who have been thrown into this Breast Cancer mess (my battle hasn't been simple or easy and is nowhere near over), I also lucked out with the most incredible family and friends and they are all supportive, including in my thinking of giving my wig away to someone who really needs it.
So if there is someone out there or you know of someone, please email me to discuss.
It really is the most loveliest wig and would look amazing on most people.