Back pain after implant removal and second implants

LeeS Member Posts: 128
edited July 2019 in General discussion
I was experiencing repeated seroma and infections 7 years after having bilateral mastectomy with recon with lat dorsi. So, I recently had implants removed(textured tear drops)... Loads of capsular contracture and 6 weeks later (2 weeks ago) had round microtextured implants inserted... More removal of capsular contracture. 
I also had fat grafts from thighs and tummy to make a more natural shape. 
Anyway... I'm struggling with the mist debilitating back pain. Anyone else experience this???... I'm wondering if it's from lat dorsi...... 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I had back pain when my implants were expanded which I deduced is becsuse brhind the muscle and basically it's pulling on the muscles across the back. It was upper back. Not sure if it's what you are experiencing.  I didn't have the lat dorso so can't comment on that. 
  • CarmelS
    CarmelS Member Posts: 268
    Lee. I have similar to you except the muscle was used as a repair because I had wound healing issues so same surgery (already had implant for 4 years) just doesn’t look any good.
    i do occasionally get what I would describe as a cramp or spasm in the muscle around armpit height but in the back (if that makes sense). Mine does pass after a while. It sometimes happens if I twist funny in bed. All I do is try to relax it a bit & gently move/stretch my arm. The Lat Doris surgery was in 2015.