Delayed reconstruction

Sandy B
Sandy B Member Posts: 26
edited July 2019 in General discussion
Hi ladies, 
Has been some time since I was here!
I have received negative comments (not on this site) when I mention my desire to undergo reconstruction 
Could I please hear from anyone who has had this procedure & has some positive feed back for me
I am 71 years young, thanks


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    I haven’t had reconstruction but you should do what you want!! I’m 73, life’s too short not to do the things that you really desire. Best wishes.
  • Sandy B
    Sandy B Member Posts: 26
    Thank you Afraser, 
    I agree life is too short, have been looking forward to seeing plastic surgeon since 2017 & now some "negative nelly" has made me rethink this procedure
    I have not been happy without my breast
    Thanks for your comment
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I have found people can be judgy. Ignore them, many may secretly want it too. I went to a local bcna voice of the nation gathering and was surprised how many had had reconstruction. ..some 10 years on. And many that didn't due to health issues were sad that they couldn't. Your body, your choice. 
    I've had a reconstruction. Whilst they don't replace your breasts ut sure makes dressing a lot easier and not feeling you need to keep hisden when changing in public places like pool change rooms.
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    It's auch an individual decision and none of us have the "right" to questions anothers choice. It's a choice I haven't had to make as I had a lumpectomy and all I know is that I have no idea what choice I would make. 

    Join the "choosing reconstruction" group. They have photo stories and lots of wisdom to share around different types of reconstruction 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    You do you @Sandy B and never mind anyone else. Go for a long walk, and sit in nature for a bit. Let the thoughts flow, gently search your body, your mind, your gut, for what you feel, for what is right for you. Test drive the decisions. Make it one way and see what your reaction is, and then the other.

    This is your body, your life. You are quite likely to have another 20 years at least in front of you. And even if it's two, so what? We all get to feel good about our bodies when we want to, why should you be any different?

    I knew I didn't want to be flat so I had a DIEP reconstruction. I have no regrets. It's good to have warm mounds of my own tissue on my chest.

    Have you used the BRECONDA online tool?

    There is no right or wrong. You do YOU. K xox
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    @Sandy B I am just gobsmacked that someone thought they had a right to say that. Don’t let this person ruin your joy. BC is hard enough without that.
  • Sandy B
    Sandy B Member Posts: 26
    Thanks so much ladies for your words of wisdom, I really appreciate it!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I haven't had a recon and not sure if I ever will - just can't face the idea of more treatment.  However, no-one should be telling you not to have one unless there is a genuine medical reason to advise against it. Do what you want to.