Should I be worried

gillymac Member Posts: 5
I had a high grade DCIS last year and had a right breast lumpectomy and a reconstruction. My right breast took 4 months to heal and as a result I had no radiotherapy or Tamoxifen. I have started to get itching and soreness in my left breast, but am not sure whether it's still part of the healing process from the reconstruction, or whether it's something I should be worried about. I have a follow up mammogram booked for August, but can't get this out of my mind. I moved from NSW to Queensland 3 months ago so can't go back to the surgeon. I've joined this site as I'm hoping someone can give me peace of mind.


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi @gillymac and welcome. Might be helpful to know the region you live in to guide you on local facilities and medical staff.
  • gillymac
    gillymac Member Posts: 5
    I live on the Sunshine Coast at Kawana Waters

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @Sirrah , @Josephine66 , @Sunshine0206 , @Deanne are Sunshine Coast people who might be able to help with local knowledge.One I think lives in your suburb. I used the search function on the home page to find some names for you.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,283
    I have a buddy up Nambour way - I can ask her who she sees.

    If in doubt - always get checked out  xxx
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    There are also breast cancer support groups in the region information should be available on BCNA site - I know there’s one at Maroochydore.
  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    Hi, I'm close by. Kawana Island. Feel free to message me xx
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @gillymac in case you need to know we pm using an icon alongside your name at top of home page rhs. The icon is 2nd from left and looks like an envelope.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Oops pm is private messageType your comment
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    See a doctor to get it checked out for your peace of mind.
  • Sunshine0206
    Sunshine0206 Member Posts: 146
    I’m on Sunshine Coast.

    My breast surgeon is Awesome. I don’t think I can mention her name here.She is excellent by my personal anecdotes and by professional ones. Pm me if you want her name.

    GP referral will get you into her.

    Ochre medical centre Sippy downs have good gps.


  • Sirrah
    Sirrah Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2019
    @gillymack Hi and welcome to the Sunny Coast! Altho I live at Noosa I go to Kawana or Buderim for all of my treatment so we could meet for a coffee sometime!  I would definitely get it checked for piece of mind. Can u afford a private mammogram and ultrasound (don't just get a mammogram as my 5 tumours were missed by Breastscreen qld or I would not have to have gone thru this last year of hell!  Also a friend's sister who had b/c diagnosed in left breast wanted right breast checked again before op. Tumour showed up in right breast but NO tumour showed on mammogram in left breast which had already been confirmed! Russian roulette just getting a mammogram, insist on an ultrasound as its the only sure way!) there is an Imaging place at Kawana I got an appointment at, within 3 days. If undone have a GP to refer u, Ochre have great Drs. Let me know how u go! All the best
  • gillymac
    gillymac Member Posts: 5
    Hello Pauline,
    Thank you for your message. I have an appointment with Breastscreen in August, and another member has given me the name of a surgeon and an oncologist in this area. I have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday. I will see where I go from there. If I'd still been in Sydney I would have just gone back to my surgeon. 
    I sort of feel it may still be the healing process from the reconstruction, but the itching only started a couple of weeks ago. My surgery was July last year.
    I'm grateful for the opinions I've had from the people on this forum, and almost everyone says to get it checked.
    I've made  note of your phone number.
  • Sirrah
    Sirrah Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2019
    @gillymack It seems like u have good plans in place. Let me know how u r going. It can be so difficult finding new professionals when u move, especially from another state. We moved from NSW to Qld in 1998 and I was amazed that MBF (Bupa now) made us join MBF Qld as it was different from MBF NSW!  I can recommend Dr Shue at Sunshine Coast Haematoloy and Oncology Clinic (Montserrat Cancer Centre), with Dr Debra Furniss Radiation Oncologist in same building at Buderim. My breast surgeon is at Noosa but I can highly recommend Dr Grant Fraser-Kirk at Kawana Pvte Hospital and surgery, Kawana if u need a plastic surgeon. Good luck for next week. Pauline
  • gillymac
    gillymac Member Posts: 5
    Thanks Pauline,
    I appreciate all the info, but sincerely hope I don't need any of it.
    I will let you know the outcome.
  • Sirrah
    Sirrah Member Posts: 77
    I certainly hope you don't need any further treatment and I know I have had itching and weird sensations after surgery before, so fingers crossed!!