Donating breast forms/prosthesis

KJK Member Posts: 3
edited May 2019 in General discussion
Hi. Does anyone know where I can donate my breast prosthesis? I have had my reconstruction now so do not require them. They are expensive so I thought someone might want/need them. 


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,441
  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 147

    Hi All 👋

    I’d love to thank all of you lovely, amazing, generous Australians that have been faithfully collecting and donating Bras, Breast Prostheses and toiletries items since 2014 ❤️ for FIJI and Africa sisterhood projects.

    Also the volunteers over the years have been the backbone of the project’s packing days and working bees 🐝

    I wish to formally announce that as at 2019 end, we will be packing up our LAST shipment which will go to Africa & be distributed there to a few places currently being arranged with key people. I kindly request that all donations cease, and until the word gets out we will continue packing up till the end of year.

    2020 is a new era & a new chapter to navigate and seasons do come and go in life , that’s the beauty of change & evolving into the new !

    I don’t want to list names of helpers and miss anyone !! a huge corporate hug and kiss to you all and you know very well who you are and there would have been nothing achieved if it wasn’t for YOU ALL together !

    I am very sad & have agonised over this announcement for quite a while.

    Please know We Love You & Thank You all from Our Hearts 🥰

    Lily & the Team @ Sisterhood Breast Cancer Project 💓