Needing support
Good morning laddies what a beautiful time of year. Spring is in the air and new life is beginning. All us ladies are going to great lengths to extend our lives, why, cause we have so much to do and so many to love. I've tried to post before but it's got lost and i keep doing things wrong so hopefully this tUme I've got it…
Thank You
Hi There,I have came here to say thank you, I came here everyday and read your posts, but never wrote one my self but today is the day.You all have given me the strength and the comfort in knowing that you are not alone. My journey started when I turned 50 got my letter in the mail to go and get your free mammogram.Made my…
Why do I feel like this????
It's been a while since I posted as I wanted to forget the whole cancer experience (I see others feel like this too!). It's now been a year since diagnosis and a mastectomy. Last month I had my first mammogram and ultrasound and it was all clear. So why am I feeling so bl**dy awful??? It seems that since the diagnosis I…
As Promised - Spring Pics
Well As promised, I have some pics to share.. I have also been trying to write a blog for over a week now and have still not got it all out of my head and onto paper (but will keep trying).. So I figured that Pictures of spring were in order.. Hope you like them I found myself at Lakes Entrance at the beginning of last…
Nutri Bullet
Hi Ladies, I'm going to get a NutriBullet this week as I've been told by several people they are a great way to get all your vitamins while going through Chemo, I start my 2nd round of chemo on 14/8 and I haven't exactly been eating as many vegetables or fruits as I should according to my Oncologist who I saw yesterday and…
Another Gippsland photo
Rads finished, what next ?
Hi Everyone, finished my last radiation appointment today. All the staff at radiation unit were so lovely, cuddles and well wishes all around, including my radiation oncologist and the breast care nurse. What a wonderful bunch of people, as they must deal with such sick people and see dreadful illnesses, however all of…
An exciting opportunity for women willing to travel to North Melbourne Community Centre!
The wonderful team at North Melbourne Community Centre is keen to provide support to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The Centre is offering four FREE Come and Try classes during the month of October! These sessions will be a chance for the Centre to assess the need for a specialised exercise class. If…
Glorious Gippsland
Hi Everyone, just thought that I'd share a photo of around the area I live in Orbost. When I'm home, my husband and I walk alongside the Snowy River, it's a lovely part of the world. Trace ??????
Photo I took last night ??
Cancer folk are discriminated against when it comes to insurance
My daughter and I have been organising to go on a 14 night cruise to New Zealand for my 50th birthday which is next year in November. This was before I found out I had breast cancer. Now I understand how one has to get travel insurance, and to do that one has to declare all pre-existing medical conditions. That in itself…
Hope that this brightens your day
My Husband Shaved My Head Today
Hi Ladies, I had a bit of a traumatic experience today, my hair I cut short about a month ago in preperation for Chemo that was hard for me but I coped, I started Chemo on the 24th of August and it's been 10 days and my hairs been falling out everywhere and it has been quite hard for me but I know it's a part of chemo and…
My story
Thank you for creating this page. Finally a group of women who understand exactly what I'm/we're going through. A little background on me. Diagnosed Nov 2012 at age 26. Lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. We tried to have embryos frozen but they weren't able to get any eggs so my only fertility treatment has been Zoladex…
Have just spent hours online this morning trying to find an insurer who will cover for breast cancer and past back problems. Incredibly difficult and/or very expensive. Some will cover for breast cancer but not back issues, and vice versa. Some also have dreadful reviews on Trip Advisor etc. I finally settled on Insure and…