My story

Kirboxx Member Posts: 9
edited January 2015 in Day to day
Thank you for creating this page. Finally a group of women who understand exactly what I'm/we're going through.

A little background on me. Diagnosed Nov 2012 at age 26. Lumpectomy, chemo and radiation.
We tried to have embryos frozen but they weren't able to get any eggs so my only fertility treatment has been Zoladex injections.

I've been asked by Prof Saunders if we want to bw part of a new post treatment fertility trial so I'm excited about that. I have been letting my sadness over what has happened affect my relationships with pregnant family members and it's hard trying to explain my feelings and people not really understanding. Luckily I've had some relief from these feelings by focusing on my first European holiday in April :)

I'm glad to have found this forum and I look forward to hearing your stories.


  • ladybool
    ladybool Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015

    HI there girls,

    I really wanted to share my story to give women hope that there can be babies after breast cancer.  I'm 36, was diagnosed at 32 with stage 2A triple negative breast cancer and underwent lumpectomy, chemo and radio.  

    During our IVF process between surgery and chemo, the dr treating me (an associate professor) told me that my fertility was already totally screwed and told me that chemo would finish it off.. basically.  I was a little perplexed by this fertility news, as I was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months after the birth of my daughter and she wasn't too difficult to naturally concieve.  Even so, he told me that my fertility had shifted significantly and I would not be able to naturally concieve again.

    The doctors didn't even give me Zoladex because they said there was "no point"!  

    I felt so saddened by this news... half of my boob was gone, ive got to go through chemo and cancer with my new babe in arms, be a bald young woman and now I'm told that im also baren .... urghhh.  So I went through IVF and we got 7 eggs which eventuated into 5 two day embyros.  After my fertilty news, we were happy with that.


    So fast forward a couple of years, past all the crap of cancer and chemo which you ladies know all too well, we spoke with my oncologist after my two year mark and asked about trying for a baby. She told me she wanted me to wait til my 3 year mark as it was a safer position for triple negatives.  My husband and I spoke that we would use IVF at the three year mark, but hell, lets just 'try" anyway, we know its not going to happen, but at least when we get to the three year mark, we have at least tried for 12 months to conceive.


    I'm very happy to let you ladies know that doctors can be very wrong sometimes and our beautiful litttle daughter was conceived first attempt and I went on to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy and perfectly healthy baby girl.


    So it can happen, doctors can be wrong, keep your faith in your family and I wish you all the deepest blessings for the families you deserve.



  • Tania L
    Tania L Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for your story. It is inspiring and helps keep the hope alive. 

    I'm currently going through chemotherapy and still a while away from being able to try to conceive, but it's good to know it can still happen. 

    xx T

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