Wearing underwire or sports bras
Hi everyone, It has been a long time since I have been online. The new website looks great and looking forward to navigating around it. It is going to be almost 12 months in August since I have had radiation treatment and being on tamoxifen. All is going good besides a few minor hiccups every now and then. I have been…
Hi I'm not sure if this is going to land in the correct member group as I'm not very good at all this site networking ect , Im looking at getting nipple tatooing done now and have done a bit of research and know there are some 3 D Tatoo artists doing them , had anyone got any feedback of their experience or outcomes of…
Breast Beaters - a fun new health and music program created by Dandenong Ranges Music Council
We have been made aware of an opportunity for women in the Yarra Ranges area of Victoria. Breast Beaters is a fun new health and music program created by Dandenong Ranges Music Council. It was developed for women living with breast cancer in the Yarra Ranges region of Victoira, supported by organisations including Ralph…
My Story - it sucks to be me
Continuing on from The Beginning and Early Days.... The surgery was a non-event really. I was in more discomfort after the biopsy. My lumpectomy scar was nothing. I rethought my tattoo plans. The following week we went back to the surgeon to get the results of the surgery. It is important to get a "clear margin" around the…
My Story - Early Days
Continuing on from The Beginning.... At least I caught it early. That was my main solace in the days after I got the news that I had breast cancer. I got around to googling breast cancer. I found out that for a lump my size, less than 2cm, the treatment was a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation. 6 weeks! Daily radiation!…
My Story - The beginning
I felt the pain in my right breast at Easter. There was a lump too. I remembered that lump from when I breastfed my daughter 10 years before. That was the milk sac that got blocked all the time. Each day I would make sure it cleared in order to avoid the dreaded mastitis. I waited a month to see if the lump would clear,…
Just a little inspiration
This weeks inspiration
Mental Torcher
HI, I was on here a quite a lot round July August when I finished treatment. I was supportive and upbeat and had encouraging words for some that posted. I went off and returned to work and got busy and tried to get on with things and forget. I was reminded today I had my 12 week Radiation oncology appointment today. busy…
Male breast cancer story in AFR
The Australian Financial Review is running a story on me and the McGrath Foundation today. There are three parts to the story. Here’s the electronic version Book Review http://www.afr.com/lifestyle/health/mens-health/the-breast-nurse-kept-a-diary-and-i-looked-forward-to-her-calls-i-trusted-her-20151012-gk6tz4 Start of the…
Digital Storybook
Hi everyone -- Lots of people tell us that capturing their thoughts, feelings and emotions throughout their diagnosis and treatment helps them to process everything that's happening in a constructive way. So I wanted to let you know about a non-profit group called "It's About Us". They've just launched a digital storybook…
Dragons Abreast Melbourne Come & Try day!!!
Hi all Just read Peter B 's post re men and breast cancer and thinking, thinking ..... Had two males friends diog just after me, both prostrate cancer, and was surprised to find that one was hormonal - don't know anything more than that. He also said his onc advised that the cancer will come back, just don't know when.!!!…
What Affects me Living with Advanced Breast Cancer
Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day is internationally recognised on October 13 each year and BCNA are creating awareness in Australia which I applaud. Due to advances in medical treatment many people are living well with this incurable disease for many years. Consequently there are many challenges because our society is…
Five Years On
So, this Wednesday will be five years since I was diagnosed with cancer. It seems amazing that so much time has passed but it also seems like it has been a lot longer than that. I feel like I can barely remember the time before. I have one more monthly injection to go for the clinical trial I am on. It is a bit scary to…