
I'm not sure if this is going to land in the correct member group as I'm not very good at all this site networking ect ,
Im looking at getting nipple tatooing done now and have done a bit of research and know there are some 3 D Tatoo artists doing them , had anyone got any feedback of their experience or outcomes of their nipple tatoos ?
mNay thanks
Hi Trudi,
You are posting in the main page. If you wold like to join the breast reconstruction online group, here is the link.
It is a closed group but just request membership with a brief message and someone will join you up.
There are quite a few ladies on there who have had tattoos done. I have had nipple reconstruction, but am yet to tattoo.
Paula xx
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Hi Trudi,
Ann-Marie from BCNA here.
Like Paula has mentioned, you have posted onto the main blog page. Your post has landed but maybe not where you would have liked it to
If you click on "Groups" you will be able to search through the different groups that we have in the Online Network. Find the group you would like to be part of and click "Join". A request will be sent to one of our facilitators of that group.
When you are part of a group you will be able to see it under "Post". Click on that group and you will then be able to create a post that will land in that group (it wont appear on the main page).
If you need some more help, please let me know.
~ Ann-Marie x