Hi all
Just read Peter B 's post re men and breast cancer and thinking, thinking ..... Had two males friends diog just after me, both prostrate cancer, and was surprised to find that one was hormonal - don't know anything more than that. He also said his onc advised that the cancer will come back, just don't know when.!!! He had no statistics like we do.
So are all cancers roughly the same, like BC hormonal, her2 or triple negative? Don't know.
But the point being we have so much research, which is fantastic and many of us are still here because of it - but wouldn't it be great if the research was linked worldwide for all cancers - so that if a country has a breakthrough all of the other countries can share straight away. And maybe if research was not duplicated and the powers that be shared all the info, yes maybe they can get rid of chemo cause it wasn't needed any more ...
Anyhow just a thought.
Hi Pam,
Ann-Marie here from the BCNA Online Network team.
Thank you for sharing this post. I agree totally with the importance of cancer research in developing new or improved treatments as well as the importance of international collaboration.
A lot of the research is conducted collaboratively between researchers in different countries, and those results are shared in journals, at international conferences, etc.
If you are interested in finding more information about how breast cancer clinical trials are run, our Clinical Trials fact sheet provides more info.