Thank You

Hi There,I have came here to say thank you, I came here everyday and read your posts, but never wrote one my self but today is the day.You all have given me the strength and the comfort in knowing that you are not alone. My journey started when I turned 50 got my letter in the mail to go and get your free mammogram.Made my appointment 0n the 3/7/2015, a few weeks later I got a phone call saying I needed further assessment On the 11/8/2015 I had a mammogram,ultrasound and a core biopsy and the end of the day I was diagnosis with early stage of Breast Cancer. On the 26/8/2015 I had my operation in which I had a Lumpectomy My Results as follows...Left Breast TPE= IDC NODES NEGATIVE...SIZE 11MM..TYPE 1 UNDER 2CM GRADE 2/3 ER NEGATIVE/PR NEGATIVE HER2 NEGATIVE. Tomorrow I start my First day of Chemo I will be having 4 shots every 21 days The drugs are Cyclo/Docetaxel To say I am nervous is a understatement but I know it has to be done and I am going in positive After chemo I will be having Radiation 6 weeks every day Mon/Friday.
I also found that the MY JOURNEY KIT in the beginning was I found very comforting .
Just Knowing that I can come here and read your Journey is a god sent .
Thank you again good luck to you all and best wishes for the rest of your Journey
Welcome, it is such a comfort to know you are not alone. Now that you have started make sure you keep us up to date and let us know how you are going.
wishing you all the best
Chris xx
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Hello and thank goodness you have made a post on the blog:):) It is a wonderful place to come,so please don't let this be your first and last time!! This network works ,because people at all stages of BC come on here and support each other.I had pretty much the same diagnosis as you.2 years ago this Saturday,I had a mastectomy,followed by chemo.My chemo was the same as you are going to have,docetaxel and cyclophosphamide.I was scared witless in the beginning,but I soon began to realise that chemo was not as bad as I had feared.I am 60 years old by the way.My 4 rounds of chemo were ok,and when I did have a concern,I would just put it up here,and someone would always be able to help.Please stay in touch as you go through treatment,and before long,you will be on here giving advice to newly diagnosed ladies!!! Don't worry:):Cheers Robyn xox
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Welcome, and I'm glad that you've joined us, as you will get wonderful support and advice here. Here's hoping that your treatment goes smoothly for you. Sending you a big welcoming hug, Trace ????
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Thank you Chris I will definitely be posting again.
Hugs back at ya
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Thanks Robyn for kind words Its or abit daunting a first but as you are aware taking one day at a time is the best advice.looking forward to talking soon.
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Thanks Trac you are all wonderful,
Hugs back Di:)
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Hi and welcome to the site. It is a safe place to chat , vent or just read other peoples trip. ( I have never called it a journey, mine is the shi,, trip )
In saying that we all travel along at different pace. Try and relax with your chemo, it is hard and you never know what sort of side affects you will have. Take someone with you if you can it can be a long day
Get yourself a diary as the appointments keep coming..
Let us know how you go, take care
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Hi I am in similar situation triple negative and commenced Chemo 3 weeks ago have 6 lots 3 weeks apart then radio for one month commencing in Feb. This site has saved my sanity and has been wonderful as has the my journey kit. First round of Chemo and no real side effects hair did start to come out in clumps on around day 16 and I made the decision to shave my head rather than let the hair falling out control me. My second Chemo is next Wednesday and I have found it not to be nearly as bad as I expected. To me the worst part of all of this was the waiting for the results. Stay on here and keep us all updated as the support is incredible. Fiona
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Hi Di65,
Welcome to the network when you come on here you feel not so alone because sometimes you can feel alone but whenever I do I just hop on here and I know I won't be alone anymore you can vent, talk about your journrey which isn't allways easy and you allways feel so much better after someone sends you a message as noone really knows how you feel unless they are or have been in your shoes this site I don't know what I would do without it, allways make sure you take someone with you to your appointments having someone there with you is very important, all the best with the start of your treatment I have my 3rd course of Chemo on Monday and then 3 weeks after that course I go onto Docetaxol 12 weekly chemo rounds so in total 21 weeks but we do what we have to do to get better, most importantly you need a positive attitude which you have. Sending you a smile and a hug.
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Welcome Di it's a great group I'm also 50 ( think I'm 20 lol) currently on 3rd chemo lots to go - feel free to share huge hugs Tracy ( one day at a time )
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This is a great place to come for support and great hints on coping as well
I'm a newish member too, about to have chemo number 3, it's tough but definitely doable. No surgery yet for me but that's next
sending you cyber hugs