My Husband Shaved My Head Today

Arleene Member Posts: 238
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi Ladies,

I had a bit of a traumatic experience today, my hair I cut short about a month ago in preperation for Chemo that was hard for me but I coped, I started Chemo on the 24th of August and it's been 10 days and my hairs been falling out everywhere and it has been quite hard for me but I know it's a part of chemo and just temporary but it still is hard, I finally talked my husband into shaving my head this afternoon which was hard for him as he loved my brunette hair and has hoped it wouldn't fall out but once it started it got worse and worse and I got sick of picking it up all the time, I suppose I started nagging my hubby about 3 days ago and he kept saying tomorrow so I put my foot down and insisted he do it today. I guess you don't realize how much of your identity can be actually in your hair we can take so many things for granted it has taken getting bc for me to realise this, my best friend came to see me this afternoon and gave me 2 beautiful presents a breast cancer note book and 3 pairs of earrings one of the pairs of earrings is a pair of pink bc ribbons it was so sweet of her so I'm going to use the notebook to write my journey and then I plan to word process it anyway I was so glad Kelly my bff was here because I don't think I could of been so strong if she hadn't been here and stayed for moral support it was so hard to see myself with a shaven head but it was for the best and she took photos to show my friends at school how brave I was and Priya my hubby said I'm still beautiful even without hair , I was worried how our daughter would react I thought she might get scared but she was fine she just said I'll get used to it but told me my black beret is a boring colour lol.


Sending a cuddle and a smile Anitaxx 



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited September 2015

    Sending you a BIG cuddle. You're very brave, and that's lovely of your bff to be there for you. Time to have fun with some dangly earrings and scarves, Trace ??????

  • Deb P
    Deb P Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    Anita, jazz up your black beret with a small twisted scarf wrapped around it or change it up with different colored large fake flowers pinned on. This should impress your daughter & make you feel a bit brighter. Deb x

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited September 2015

    I remember that day well. It is tough, however your hubbie is right and you are still beautiful. It is amazing how quickly you will get used to it. I actually didn't mind it after a while, especially in Summer time in the tropics.hugs to you. 

    Paula xxxx

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    Hi Trace,

    I think at first Angelena was a little unsure but by the time she went to bed she was okay and I was okay too I quite like it but it was hard but had to be done as my hair was falling out everywhere and that was worse than shaving it and it was done rather quickly and I feel so good today I am even thinking of going to school to see my friends as there is a function on we have every year to celebrate Father's Day I am starting to feel really good and I want to surprise everyone I am feeling really good heading into my next treatment I want to be amongst people and not be stuck at home if I am feeling well I have some oral thrush but it is under control now I want to get some flower clips to brighten up my beret and beanies as I chose boring colours my daughter is right I need bright colours I don't have any scarves yet I can have a look at some scarves when I go for chemo as they sell the scarves for bandana day we will see but having Kelly here was great for me she spoke to me the whole time and it only took 5-10 minutes then we had a little cry and a hug and I was okay but it gets itchy I don't want to scratch my head because I don't want it to get dry, I can't sleep right now it must be insomnia I guess but I went to sleep at 10.00 and it is almost 5.00am now and I usually am up at 6.00am as I have not had many sleepless nights well I will talk to you soon I love my new look the start of the new improved Anita, sending you a big cuddle and a big smile Anita xx??????????

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    Hi Deb, I think I might get some flowers to put on my beret and beanies to brighten them up I am glad I shaved my head its easier just have to stop it getting dry now, I am feeling great heading into my next treatment on the 14th of September need to wear makeup now though and jewellery to make myself look even better, I think I am a cool mum and I am a stronger woman than I ever thought I would be and I have bc to thank for that I see life from a different perspective now and I am proud of that I have no reason to be embarrassed by who I am now, I am beautiful and feel empowered wow big word for 5.00am LOL I am going to have some fun with the new me. Sending a cuddle and a smile Anita xx????????

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    Hi Paula, I did feel sad but now I am empowered and full of confidence and I am ready to fight this battle full on bc is going to get it's but kicked out of my life it messed with the wrong person I am a stronger person now and I am not going to let it define me and who I am, look out world here I come even though I have no hair I have a new outlook on life now I embrace life now. Sending you a cuddle and a smile Anita xx????????


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
    edited September 2015

    You go girl xxxxxx

  • Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2015

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for giving me hope I am about to do the same having been diagnosed with grade 3 and recently had surgery Chemo appointment next week to schedule what is in front for me and your sharing has brightened my day I am about to go and have my hair cut short as well so that i can prepare myself and like you I am sure I will be relieved once Chemo starts and it will then be a matter of Face Everything and Rise. Sending you a cuddle Fiona


  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    Hi Paula,

    My best friend gave me some beautiful presents and inspiration yesterday, she bought them from Avon 1 is a Breast Cancer notebook and 3 pears of earings all 100% of the sales goes to bc research 1 pear pearl studs, 1 pair just cubiziconia studs and the 3rd pair pink ribbons it touched my heart in such a special way I'm using the notebook as a diary for my journey from start to finish so I can pass it to my daughter when she is older, her words to me were you are a beautiful person on the inside don't worry about what you look like it's what's on the inside that we all love and admire and why we are so proud to know you and that I'm an Inspiration but I think my beanies are so boring I think I need bright colours. sending you a cuddle and a smile Anitaxx

  • Arleene
    Arleene Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015


    Hi Fiona,

    I had long hair halfway down my back I first got my Husband to cut it with his clippers to my shoulders and a couple of weeks later I got it cut short ready for chemo and we decided that when it starts falling out from the chemo I would like him to shave it, about 3 days I turned into a nagging wife which I hated not thinking it was hard on him too but he promised he'd do it yesterday and my best friend came to see me and bought me some lovely gifts and then held my hand and spoke to me while my hubby of almost 18 years shaved my head she's the best I feel so empowered now that bc is not going to beat me we all are going to kick it out of our life we need to fight and win, once 1 round of chemo is done you'll know what you are in for next time and it's okay to feel sad when you do just jump on this site and you'll be inspired by somebody saying a little thing that will make your day, I believe in you and I know you can do this we are women here us ROAR, sending you a big cuddle and a huge smile and positive vibes Anitaxx

  • Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2015

    Thanks so much your comments are really helpful and make me yell out we are women here us ROAR and I am sure once the first round is over I will feel much better  Thinkin of you and love how you are so positive changes my whole outlook.  Fiona xx

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited September 2015

    HI Anita I remember having my hair shaved like it was only yesterday, hard to cope with at first but I got used to it because having it fall out was worse than being bald. If your head is dry my oncologist told me to use sorbelene every day I remember walking past the mirror for the first few times and thinking whoo thats different. Your hair grows back mine is all back and lots of grey.

    Good to hear chemo going ok another step to the light at the end of the tunnel. Take care sending you a hug and don't forget to laughxxx