Welcome New Members - 28th November 2023
Welcome to our newest Online Network members: @Gabriella @ginglope @tinypott @wegmet @HowieJ @bel4877 @LisaP @cactusk @KMJG @Shazza62 @MJCJ @Cathy9887 @esther0708 @gambs @SunnyDay @PGDM @elleben You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia's (BCNA's) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and…
Happy birthday wishes to @Alcaye
Wishing you a very happy birthday 🎂 @Alcaye
Happy birthday to @JulieVT11
To dear @JulieVT11 wishing you a happy birthday
Flat chest scars - restrict movement or very tight? And did you have radio before going flat?
I'm in discussions with two surgeons (initial and then second
opinion) about removing my 10-year-old textured and radiated implants and
either going flat or replacing implants. I posed a similar question on the 'Flat Chat' group - I'm hoping this main chat has some more people who can share their experience on flat scars…
Have you replaced implants after radio? What's your experience/issues/advice +capsule (kept /rem'd)?
I'm in discussions with two surgeons (initial and then second opinion) about removing my 10-year-old textured and radiated implants and either going flat or replacing implants. I posed a similar question on the reconstruction group - I'm hoping this main chat has some people who have faced re-reconstruction. I was first…
The never ending circle
I literally go from ultrasound to mammogram to mri to ultrasound and then biopsies. This is about my 6th time in 2 years which they say is because of dense breasts. This is getting frustrating and the costs are so high. Has anyone else had this experience. At this stage negative but last two years this keeps happening.…
Paclitaxel alternatives
Hello i recently been diagnosed and my chemo regieme to begin this week is AC 4 treatments dose dense every 2 weeks followed by Paclitaxel weekly for 12 weeks. Just trying to find out more information from here about AC effects & the peripheral neuropathy with Paclitaxel and if anyone has found it to be permanent. Hoping…
Time between two surgeries
Wondering what the safe time between lumpectomy and re-excision would be. Mine is just over 6 weeks.
Mamagram post diagnosis
Hello, 7 year post Her2 + diagnosis. All going well. I have had a mammogram and ultrasound each year post diagnosis however not this year(7) just wondering is this an oversight or normal?
hit me with your go to question for the chemo dr's
So surgery done and dusted 2 weeks a go now (8.11.2023), lumpectomy completed with 2 cancers being removed from the left breast, as well as all 27 lymph nodes, with only 1 cancer found in that, however the cancer had shown signs they had got it in the nick of time as it was showing signs of spreading out shoots to other…
What a whirlwind
Diagnosed last week with Triple Negative, picked up in my routine 2 yearly mammogram and I am heading into hospital on Friday for lump removal and sentinel node biopsy. The last 2 weeks have been like a whirlwind, both mentally and physically. I am already a cancer survivor, having been through kidney cancer 13 years ago.…
Prosthetics slipping in bras
Hi Everyone, I've haven't been on this site since January after my double mastectomy. Dealing with the healing, I also lost my husband in April and haven't felt like doing anything or seeing many people. So today I feel a bit better and need to get more energy into my body and start doing things again. I bought a pair of…
What would we do without BCNA?
I wish I had never heard of or joined this network, but now, when I need it, I am glad to be part of it. Every time I feel upset and vulnerable, I turn to the BCNA. I am just thinking about how people with breast cancer are supported without BCNA. I would definitely struggle. What about those who don't use computers or…
Swollen Parotid and possibly the Tonsillar gland
I felt sore on the right side of my face when I washed it last night and this morning it was a hard lump, some swelling and also sore at base of my ear...not like blown up but very tender and swollen...I did pop to a GP I've not seen before...he reassured me which was nice as I started to blubber as I'd panicked. He said…
Breast Cancer Prevention Research
Women who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma (particularly those treated at a younger age) have an increased risk of going on to develop breast cancer. What is BCNA doing to advocate for research into the prevention of breast cancer in this patient cohort? For example, is research being…