Happy birthday to @inkpetal
Happy birthday to you dear @InkPetal
Happy birthday wishes to @HelenlovesSnoopy
To dear @HelenlovesSnoopy Your birthday 🎂 on 31 October was missed by our birthday fairies! We hope that you had a special birthday @HelenlovesSnoopy filled with joy and that you were surrounded by those dear to you <3
Hospital bag
Good morning Ladies. I'm heading into hospital this Tuesday for my lumpectomy and lymph nodes to be done..My head is all over the place with what lies ahead of me .. Im really not sure what I need to be packing ,I have button pjs for easy access to drains ect and a few other things but I'm really struggling with what a may…
BCNA Member Survey
We are excited to be launching a national member survey for
people impacted by breast cancer to better understand how you use BCNA’s
services and resources. We have designed this survey in partnership with
researchers from the University of Sydney and representatives from our
membership groups including from our rural and…
Feeling anxious and insomnia post treatment .
Hi, Ruth here, living in Cannonvalley, Queensland. I had r/o small cancer surgery and Radiotherapy 4 months ago. I thought I was doing well and went back to work, part time. Then collapsed in a mess of anxiety and insomnia, one feeding the other. So hard to get help and support. My G.P said - oh just meditate or listen to…
Over 350,000 women didn't have mammograms 2021-22 due to pain & discomfort .... NEW technology!
This was in the Newspaper yesterday ...... A HUGE number of women are opting out of mammograms due to pain (even tho not mentioned in the article - it is a very real problem) & discomfort of the current mammogram machines. I had my yearly scans 2 weeks ago & the lady said she wouldn't go 'too hard' on the squeezing ....but…
Happy birthday to @Patchworkmum
To dear @Patchworkmum Wishing you a very happy birthday filled with love & laughter best wishes
Waiting for Byopsie
Hi all. I'm new here I have just had a 95% positive mamagram and ultra sound my byopsi to confirm everything is on Tuesdays. They say my lump is small and it hasn't spread to any were ells yet so that's good At the moment I'm more afraid of the treatment then the cancer I'm a mother of two under 5 and don't know how I will…
13 November is @adean birthday
Happy birthday to you @adean I hope that your day is filled with joy best wishes
Prep for surgery
Hi, Having my surgery on 31/5, i am very scared although its no longer mastectomy but lumpectomy. The 16 rounds of chemo has shrunk my tumour, that is thecreason including removal of lymp nodes. .not sure how many. My question is, what should i be taking to hospital for night wear to wear in and out of hospital etc.. Any…
Newly Diagnosed & Over Thinking it all!
I'm a 54 year old women of 3 gorgeous grown up sons living with my partner of 5 years & loving life after a few years of turbulence both personally & professionally. I am newly diagnosed with invasive NST, + for both ER & PgR apparently that's good, yesterday was a week after right boobie lumpectomy & 3 x axillary lymph…
Welcome New Members - 10th November 2023
Warm greetings to our newest Online Network members: @UlliHH23 @kezia_amery @RedRose77 @Mittymoo @jan_88 @ahh @Jeff @Kat2023 @repascoe @Robbie1964 @shittytitty @Jstieg @MickyS @Jannil @nicmaree @cazhep @ktmuso @deb1962 @fav @AmyC @1b1946 @TamaraV @sstarling @Gisborne @NicT @lismro @CateFase You have found your way to…
Have the beginnings of a cold and have chemo today
Hi all I have a slight cold today. A bit of a runny nose and sore through. Do you think they will postpone my chemo. I really don't want to miss of postpone anything as I just want to get it all done on current schedule.
Support Groups Adelaide Hills?
Moderator moved @AmyC post to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion category: AmyC 1:03PM I’m newly diagnosed and starting chemotherapy. Any groups in the Adelaide hills?
Chemo side effects already ? Or my over stimulated brain? Lol
I'm only 2 full days post my first chemo session, and I'm noticing small things already 😄 Bone pain, belly pain, mouth tenderness, and swallowing needs a little more thought than it used too lol How are our other chemo newbies going? I know everytime I pop on here to read what's been posted, I'm reminded that chemo is…