Have the beginnings of a cold and have chemo today

IlonaC Member Posts: 14
Hi all
I have a slight cold today.  A bit of a runny nose and sore through.  Do you think they will postpone my chemo.  I really don't want to miss of postpone anything as I just want to get it all done on current schedule.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    That's a bummer @IlonaC - ring the Onc nurses & talk it over with them. 

    Ask them if you could take an antihistamine to try & dry it up?  I'd be surprised if it isn't postponed .... 

    Do you have a temperature?  There is still plenty of Covid around (sadly) so maybe do regular tests too xx

    Take care & I hope you feel better soon.

  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2023
    Hi @IlonaC,

    When is your chemo? I know exactly how you feel - I got sniffles and twinge of sore throat before my second chemo and was all worried about messing up my schedule. I just kept reminding myself to take this one step at a time and accept that at some point I might have a session shifted!

    Thankfully it faded away so was probably hayfever - I suspect the gargling (with salt or bicarbonate) that we’re told to do with chemo might help throats too.

    Additionally I read online about people being able to still do their chemo with a cold.  But that’s up to the medical professionals who are attending to you, so yes best to check in with them.

    Big hugs and hoping it clears up soon.
  • IlonaC
    IlonaC Member Posts: 14
    Thanks ladies
    I was allowed to have the chemo today as I had no fever and only light cold symptoms so round #2 done many more to go
    Have a great day

  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    Yay for you @IlonaC I also did round 2 Monday.