Feeling anxious and insomnia post treatment .

Roberts Member Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in General discussion
Hi, Ruth here, living in Cannonvalley, Queensland. I had r/o small cancer surgery and Radiotherapy 4 months ago. I thought I was doing well and went back to work, part time. Then collapsed in a mess of anxiety and insomnia, one feeding the other. So hard to get help and support. My G.P said - oh just meditate or listen to a podcast if you can't sleep!! That makes it worse and I get more anxiety. Then facing people who know me and they say you look so well, but you just want to curl up and cry. I am now off sick and started some medication and some counselling. I would love to connect to other Members suffering the same. I listened to Dr Charlotte podcast number 6 and thought it was great.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    That’s tough, particularly when your cancer treatment is going well. I haven’t shared that problem but it’s not unusual, A GP isn’t often the best shot but should refer you for more focussed assistance. A good Counsellor may help you come to terms with all the subtle underpinnings of a cancer diagnosis (your mortality for one!) which can bring on anxiety. Returning to work ( ie normality) can reinforce that deep down you are not feeling normal (or as you used to). Sleeplessness just inflates everything. Sleeping pills for a short time may be useful in concert with some assisted investigation of what’s afoot. Friends and family may care but a disinterested professional you can tell anything is worth their weight! Best wishes. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Sorry you are doing it tough just now @Roberts ...  I think the wheels 'fall off' now & then with most of us - and it can bring on a mini depression .... (even a major one.)  It is also 'normal' to have anxiety & insomnia - and going back to work may have triggered some reactions that has caught you off guard xx

    This disease actually mucks more with your brain than your actual body, I reckon - and our brain can chuck a wobbly at any time. :(   Continue listening to Charlotte Tottman's podcasts (from the beginning) as I reckon you'll identify with a lot of the 'issues' that she had to deal with as well .... specially coming from a counselling point of view prior to being diagnosed - which I believe has CHANGED, since her diagnosis. 

    Jump onto this thread & see some other areas in the forum that you may like to check out?  You can show us your furkids, or grandkids .... your pets, garden, art & craft & even some 'funny stuff' .... and there are even some 'tick sheets' down the bottom, that you can print off - to self assess how you are going?  xx

    Try & keep yourself busy doing stuff you LOVE doing - and try some physical exercise as well, to tire yourself out, so hopefully you will sleep better .....  I think many of us suffer from insomnia - I am one.  grrr  

    take care & all the best 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hi @Roberts
    It’s true this disease mucks with your brain.
    I liken it to the grief you feel from the death of a loved one - the death is of your formerly bulletproof self.
    There are many ideas to solve the insomnia - one is to exercise every day and you are then so tired you sleep .
    Other suggestions are acupuncture, reflexology , massage .
    Try to avoid sleeping pills.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,528
    I have just finished a sleep therapy trial. For me personally, I found the following helps me get to sleep and sleep better.
    No screen time or bright lights after 8pm.
    Wake up the same time (or close to) each day.
    Be in a well lit room or outside for at least twenty minutes at the start of your day.
    No daytime napping, even if you want to.

    I have sometimes cheated on the first two but found I didn't sleep well that night when I did.

    Re. anxiety. The only way I have found helps is to keep busy. Sometimes it still sneaks up on me when I least expect it but I quickly move myself on. So hard. Sending big hugs