Swollen Parotid and possibly the Tonsillar gland

Member Posts: 22 ✭
I felt sore on the right side of my face when I washed it last night and this morning it was a hard lump, some swelling and also sore at base of my ear...not like blown up but very tender and swollen...I did pop to a GP I've not seen before...he reassured me which was nice as I started to blubber as I'd panicked. He said if it got worse or didn't settle then I should have an ultra sound.
So - should my GP - who is difficult to get into or my Oncologist deal with this....I guess I have read too much of what Dr Google said. I can text Breast Care nurse she could liase with Oncologist?
I did read a couple of incidence of this on here but back in 2014 and 2017....anyone recently?
My panic is that my cancer was in my Sentinel node - so who knows if the darn thing has already shared with the rest of my node community - I'll be very cross if thats the case....
Thanks for listening
Bless you all x
So - should my GP - who is difficult to get into or my Oncologist deal with this....I guess I have read too much of what Dr Google said. I can text Breast Care nurse she could liase with Oncologist?
I did read a couple of incidence of this on here but back in 2014 and 2017....anyone recently?
My panic is that my cancer was in my Sentinel node - so who knows if the darn thing has already shared with the rest of my node community - I'll be very cross if thats the case....
Thanks for listening
Bless you all x
Hi @LucyBell, you probably won't settle until you know for sure what it is. It may be a mild infection I'm the gland or nothing or something but looking at Google and a quick visit to a weekend dr is not the answer.
Phone the regular GP, explain your stress about it because of your bc diagnosis and see if they can arrange an appointment so you can get them to check it out or get a referral for a scan. You could also phone the oncologist and advise your situation too.
Take care
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@LucyBell I had a similar scare, with sudden severe hip pain. My GP was also very difficult to get to (it’s those damn gatekeepers again) but I rang my surgeon who immediately arranged a bone scan. I did ultimately have to have a hip replacement, but at least the scan proved negative for cancer. You need a definite answer. Keep pushing!2
Thanks ladies...well....I was booked to see my own GP but it had gone down a lot and she did phone me and had a chat ....by time of appt it clashed with partners specialist so I cancelled....felt better about it....BUT.....5 days and not even a reply from BC nurse....maybe she was on Optus ???1
Hi @LucyBell,
Wow, that's not good enough, If I was you I'd contact the bc nurse again, she should return your call, that's not fair. Even if it's gone down, I'm sure it'd make you feel better if you could speak to her.
Fingers crossed you get a return call this time.
( haha! yes maybe on Optus!!!!)
x0 -
Follow up - still nothing from nurse....but Dr not concerned....BUT - excruciating wind pain for weeks now - and wanting to go away Friday-Saturday - don't ant to be doubled in pain....or farting the whole time - LOL actually I won't mind that LOL
I'm fasting at least 8-9pm until 12-2pm to give my gut a rest - is this anastrolzole !!! If it is I'm giving it up I can't live like this.
As it was surgeon who put me on it do try and bring my appt forward with her or just message her....I don't see her until 8th December....oh it's tuesday - was thinking it was sunday - I'll call her.1 -
Hmmm sort of good that the Dr is unconcerned ... but the gas thing is another issue!! Have you changed your diet much recently? Have you Suddenly gone to a high fibre diet or cut out 'stuff' (or EATING more stuff) than usual? I used to work in a Gynae ward & after their surgery - the women often had severe gas/bloating pain .... and warm Peppermint water used to be given to 'encourage it to come out' .....
I've not heard of Anastrozole giving gas/bloating problems .... Def ring your surgeon, tho usually it is the Medical Onc who prescribes the Anastrozole ....
It sounds like maybe you should see a gastro guy too?
I hope it settles before you go away xx0 -
Thanks - it's the surgeon who put me on anastrozole - I have the appt 1 week closer but CT scan still 30th unless a cancellation.
I have been having this issue for about 6 weeks, I was doubled up at physio and I thought - it's just wind.....but past 2 weeks terrible - my diet has always been pretty good and I am not having sugar, my dairy is limited and I don't eat much wheat either. Even taking a laxative and I am not over doing this - I can barely walk for the pain.....right now I am feeling good after 2 poops.....first one difficult - LOL sorry to be so graphic......It's 1.30pm and I have not eaten since 8.30 last night and that was chicken, salad....no onions just lettuce - I can't eat onions...I'm starving now so will have a smoothie....and maybe a couple of crackers....I'm thinking IBS - but I'm not a Dr but I do know my own body pretty good!! In myself I feel ok....except numb underarm, and knowing I had a cancerous lump and lymph node removed - I am still much better off than many here .....Positive thinking !!!!!
PS I did get Mintec - will try that also before eating
Thank you for message1