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Prosthetics slipping in bras

Hi Everyone,

I've haven't been on this site since January after my double mastectomy.    Dealing with the healing, I also lost my husband in April and haven't felt like doing anything or seeing many people.    So today I feel a bit better and need to get more energy into my body and start doing things again.

I bought a pair of prosthetics and new bras from a prosthetic shop whilst visiting my daughter in Sydney.  After trying everything on I decided on a pair that where about the same size as my real ones.   I did want to go smaller but I am normally a 14D but the bras that I tried on have to be a 16 as the 14 was too tight.  I am in between sizes.  It does seem ridiculous that the bras don't seem to be the same size as commercially made ones.

I don't wear them all the time (I am quite comfortable without the prosthetics) But recently when having the prosthetics on all day they seem to slip upwards and come out of the top of the bra about and 1".   I did ring the shop and they seemed concerned.  I gather that as I'm in between sizes ( it happens on the other bras I bought as well) there's not much that anyone can do.

So has anyone else had this problem and if so, what can I do.

Thanks,  Christina


  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi Christina, I can't give you any advice on your prosthetics problem as I have an implant but I wanted to offer my condolences on the loss of your husband. You have certainly had a lot to deal with this year. Sending a hug and hoping to see you here more often as you feel able.
    Jane xx
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 460
    Hi christina. Yes i  had same problem .sometimes the mesh or fabric used to make the pockets stretches too much.and the gel prosthetic rides upand shows at the cleavage..ummmm!.i have sewn an internal dart to remove some of the extra fabric.sems to be more of a problem with the lighter fancer bras and not with the more firmer sports bras.. good luck B
  • Christina 55
    Christina 55 Member Posts: 56

    Thank you Jane for your kind words.   It is tough and still got a lot ahead of me.

    Brightspace...  Thanks for your advice,  I will give it a go and put some darts in the bras. 


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi Christina
    I am so sad to hear of your loss on top of everything BC related.  
    If you are fitted properly the prosthesis should not move - BUT the bra does have to be TIGHT to keep all in place (and that in itself can cause Lymphoedema).  Did a professional trained fitter suggest a specific bra and fakies ?
    Be yourself and go 'a la natural' if you are comfortable with that.  (Wishing I'd known about a double at the time !).
    Hugs  Summer  :-)
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Christina 55, my condolences to you on the loss of your husband. It's tough to have this on top.
    I'm heading down the single mastectomy route in July sometime when finished chemo. My question to any ladies with prosthetics is will I look like I still have cleavage with just one. I'm feeling quite depressed at the thought of it all. Are they hot to wear in summer?. Back in January when I was diagnosed I thought losing a breast would be no big deal,how stupid am I. Reality is setting in and now I feel so upset I'm in tears all the time .
    Lisa x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    Lisa, I had a hell of a time leading into my Mastectomy/Diep Flap recon in february, I was so distressed I thought I was losing it after everything I'd been through, but I chose to contact a Psychologist that I'd seen 3yrs prior, it only took 1 session, but it helped enormously in terms of settling me and another perspective. Once I had surgery, I didn't look back, no tears at all, so I think I grieved it leading into surgery. I don't know of the prosthesis so can't comment. 

    Christina, I too am saddened to hear of the loss of your Husband, condolences to you and your family. Hugs Melinda xo
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 460
    Hi LMk74
    It does take time to adjust to mono status..just not the cleavage we were used to.swimming is a must for me so have tried various prothetics some are gei with inner raised sections lightweight for summer, others have small balls for more air water movement.Ifind the gel sport more comfortable to wear. For hot daysall days i use  a cotton bra which i modified by adding a cotton lining. That said going without is a must for hot humid weather. All best B
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Melclarity, I met with my radiation oncologist last week and she said I'm not a candidate for expander thanks to  the radiation I have to do. Only option is to do the same as you or just have prosthetic. That upset me also as it's big surgery and I'm such a wimp when it comes to any sort of medical procedures. I know I have plenty of time to think about it. I see a psychologist already and my sessions are nearly up for the year.
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Thanks brightspace. Guess it will be trial and error or maybe go for double mastectomy and be totally flat lol.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @LMK74 Oh so similar to me, I couldnt have an expander or implant either due to radiation back in 2011. I so hear you, after my recurrence and going through chemo I actually developed alot of anxiety around tests and hospitals. That was never me, I always had that in check. It is so so hard to know what is best for you, I admit I was glad I couldnt do the implant as that was never something I wanted ever. When they told me I was a good candidate for the Diep, they stepped right through the surgery and I admit I was petrified thinking how the hell could I possibly survive that, an 8hr op all at once! But you know what, the first couple of weeks are hard absolutely, but what amazed me was how quickly you heal. I have no regrets at all, I couldn't be happier, for me I think I liked that it was still me and my tissue, I even found psychologically this reconstruction was perfect for me, because I didn't feel dramatically different, not the way I thought I would. I also liked the fact after my revision this was it, no more surgery my icing on the cake LOL...onward I go. 

    I took a long time to decide and I was lucky to be able to do that, so I'm glad youre seeing a Psychologist, I think you can request some additional? What I found for me was, my Psychologist talked about attachment to my physicality...which is so normal right?? what resonated for me was no matter what changes about my physical appearance I'm still the same person...and I know people say that all the time, but it really hit home and made sense to me. Now Im on the other side, I realised I dont need to be attached to any part of my physicality at all...I am still the same in fact probably a new improved version..because I'm happier in so many respects :D So take your time and find what sits right for you. Hugs xo Melinda
  • Christina 55
    Christina 55 Member Posts: 56

     Thank  you ladies for your kind thoughts.

      Summer, I did go to a top prosthesis shop in Sydney - Leila O'Toole Pty Ltd.  (mammary Prosthesis and Bra Specialists) . They were very helpful.  The bras are very firm.   Whether its the backing on the bra, I'm not sure, but I will make some adjustment.  I'm quite comfortable going  'a la natural' which I do most days.  I have a lot of scar tissue on the breast side that had the cancer but not the other one.  I'm still having Herceptin injections every 3 weeks until November, after that I can have a reconstruction if I wish, but I don't think so.  But time will tell.

    Lisa, I do miss my cleavage.  As my mum use to say "if you got em- flaunt em".  So hence I could wear lower cut tops and be comfortable. (I'm sure this is why my hubby married me.  ha ha) But since having both breasts off, I cannot wear V neck tops or anything that showed a cleavage due to my scars.   The prosthetics I bought are suppose to be cooler, so I will have to wait until summer to find out. 

    Brightspace... The prosthetics I bought are called Anita.  They can be used for swimming either chlorine or salt water.  The backing only needs to be patted dry. 

    Hugs to everyone.  Christina

  • 57Pauline
    57Pauline Member Posts: 13
    Hi Christina,
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your husband as well as the rough time you've had.
    I also had a double mastectomy (Nov 2015) and decided not to have reconstruction. I too was a 14 D and was happy to go smaller. I went to a place in Melbourne which sells the Amoena brand. ( http://breastcarevictoria.com.au/ ) and was fitted with a few different bras and prosthetics - normal weight  and a lighter pair.  Over the 18 months since my op I now feel most comfortable wearing a camisole style top with light weight forms. However, only good for winter!
    The bras I bought sometimes feel too tight, but I experimented with a bra extension and can now adjust as needed.
    Pauline xx

  • HowieJ
    HowieJ Member Posts: 1
    Hi all. Needing to have a mastectomy  (Right Breast) and have always thought that if I reached this point I would opt for a double mastectomy. Having doubts a couple of weeks before the surgery.  I would invite comments from anyone who has had a double mastectomy and is using prostetics. Also tips on clothing.  Trying to work through the decision making,
    Regards, Jen
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,092
    Dear @Christina 55,
    Sincere sympathy and best wishes

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 960
    Hi there @JennyHowie, welcome to the group. I had a bilateral mastectomy in 2017 and do have the Amoena prosthesis. I did wear them both when going out, but now I no longer bother. I have very narrow shoulders which slope as well, and therefor, I've always had problems with the straps falling down, so have always kept them fairly tight. I was a size 18DD before. From around 2013, so before being run over by the Cancer Clowns, I've been on prednisolone for autoimmune conditions (4), which has given me a Buddha belly. I mention all this for a reason. I found that between the tightish straps and the abdominal fat pushing from below, by 'boobs' constantly crept up until they ended up on my collar bones. So I'd loosen the straps, which made no difference to the upwardly mobile boobs, but just meant that I was now pulling down my boobs and pulling up my straps. In the end, I just decided to remain flat and fabulous. I do wear them if I go out for a special occasion, such as a wedding, but otherwise I don't bother. I wear tops that are fairly loose and have a bit of decoration on the front, and quite frankly, I don't think most people even notice. This is a photo of me two Christmases ago...pardon the bum...