following radiotherapy
Hello, I'm new to the site. I was dx with Stage 2 breast ca, had lumpectomy and finished 3 weeks of radiotherapy a week ago. I was feeling pretty good throughout radiation but for the last 2 days I feel like I've been hit by a truck - very fatigued but nauseous as well - can someone tell me if fatigue/nausea onset is…
cycle 16 of Kadcyla
i just had my cycle 16 yesterday..so far Kadcyla is still working for me..my last scan in August read that the other tumour on my liver cannot be sighted anymore but the other one is still 23mm..I started Potassium supplements yesterday due to low Potassium levels... The nosebleeds so far are settling down for the last two…
Tamoxifen and Inflammation of the Macular
Hi all I had a check up on my vision today as I wear reading glasses. My optometrist told me that Tamoxifen can cause inflammation of the macular. As a precaution she did some extra scans that I will have repeated every few years. I wasn't aware of this risk, so just letting you know.
Arimidex hair loss
Hi there, so I have been on Arimidex for one week and already noticed some hair loss with more than normal hair on my hair brush. Will this continue? I'd like to know other people's experience and how much more hair loss I might expect.
1/2 through radiation, and I'm Knackered,
so here I am on week 3 of 6 of this radiation treatment, and I'm so over it! After my last post on tips and tricks on how to get through and all the updates about my horrible radiation team, like that horrible Dr and Nurse, I found the courage to put in a formal written complaint to the manager of said clinic. It was dealt…
Hi - I was diagnosed with extensive high grade DCIS in late April and was advised that I would need a mastectomy to prevent the further onset of cancer. I find that there is little information about DCIS and would like to see this changed. Many people commented on how lucky I am though i know there intention is that I'm…
Anastrozole and osteopenia
Moderator moved @tom post from 'Activity' section to 'test, Treatments and Side Effects':
Aches and pains
Hello beautiful people, I am new to the group. I was diagnosised breast cancer in Jan 2024 at the age of 32. I have had AC and now on paclitaxel about to have my 6th round. I am just wondering if anyone has body aches as a symptom. I have had sore shoulders, back, and legs. Appears to be more muscle. But I am little…
Chemo caps
Hi All, I'm new here and was carer for my cousin who was diagnosed with aggressive, metastatic BC in July 2021. She underwent many rounds of different chemos and lost her hair three times throughout her journey. I have approx 16 of her chemo caps (she called them 'hats') that I would like to send to someone who could use…
Maybe try Starting AIs slowly 'over time' to see if the side effects aren't as savage?
I am now 71 and have been on AIs for 6 years, with varying side effects (specially on Letrozole when I first started.) I will completely stop taking them next year - but in the mean time, I am slowly 'weaning myself' off them just now .... (hehe, to be totally honest, I forget to take them most of the time! LOL) My theory…
12 months scans today
Feeling sick in my stomach as I head to Melbourne for 3D mammo and US today and appointment with my surgeon- 12 month check up.... when does the dread of recurrence disappear?
tip or tricks on getting through radiation?
Hi all. I haven't been on here for quite a few months as I was super unwell with chemo, (that's a story in itself) My chemo has come to a close now due to many side effects etc, so now I move to the next phase Radiation. While I have the info all laid out in black and white, its always helpful to hear from you all on any…
Starting chemo next week
Hi all, I’m starting chemo next week and quite nervous. I will have dense dose, 4 fortnightly AC + 12 weekly taxol. Any tips on what I should prepare before/on/after the day? On top of being anxious about chemo, my PET scan shows a nodule on my thyroid lit up. My onco said it’s very common and it might not be cancer but…
Lymphedema - compression garments
Hello I'm 15 months post DMX and lymph node clearance on one side - no chemo or radiation. I'm doing very well and amongst other stuff, I'm working hard on my lymph system, which is in a bit of a mess! Trying to mitigate the risks of lymphedema. I wear compression stockings daily, and am wanting to get a compression top -…
Node byopsie
I am about to have a Central node. Biopsy, and I have heard the injection involved in this procedure is very painful. Is there anybody that has been through it? And can tell me just how painful it is. And if it is quick. feeling very anxious about this. Thanks