Forum Discussion

arpie's avatar
10 months ago

Maybe try Starting AIs slowly 'over time' to see if the side effects aren't as savage?

I am now 71 and have been on AIs for 6 years, with varying side effects (specially on Letrozole when I first started.)  I will completely stop taking them next year - but in the mean time, I am slowly 'weaning myself' off them just now .... (hehe, to be totally honest, I forget to take them most of the time!  LOL)   

My theory is that if they started us off with one tablet a week for a month, then 2, then 3 (every other day), slowly getting up to 1 x daily - that the body should adjust to it better! 

I believe there could be merit in giving this a go.  We really need to 'trial' this in a controlled way! 

MANY women stop taking them altogether (often without advising their Oncs) but then, if they get a recurrence, they'd have the 'What Ifs' and possibly never forgive themselves.   

It doesn't really matter WHICH AI you start off with - the body will still take a BIG HIT when you suddenly start taking them daily ..... (tho there ARE some lucky ladies who barely have ANY side effects ....)  I was not one of them.  

I lasted 6 weeks on Letrozole, then lasted 6 months on Exemestane - and then went on to Anastrozole for the last 5 years which worked the best for me (with MUCH less aches & pains.)  Yet others may START on Anastrozole & hate it as much as I hated Letrozole!!

SO ....... IF you are having nasty side effects and it IS affecting your quality of life adversely - speak to your Onc about it.  You DON'T have to put up with it,  Have a break for a few months.  Try a different one, like I did.  It could make ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

Also consider asking your Onc about Medicinal Cannabis Oil - I've been taking it for nearly 5 years now - and it HAS made a difference!  There are many online Drs who will prescribe it, if your Onc won't.

SO .... If you are about to start out on AIs any time soon - maybe mention 'starting them slowly' to your Onc ..... to see if your body tolerates them better, as in the long term, the longer you are on them, the better it is to reduce the chance of recurrence xx

take care & best wishes
  • 7 years and stopping.....lucky you!  I'm 10 and no variation and I have not had any breaks at all!  Only change has been to a different AI!
    We're all guided by our Onc and for you, lucky you, it's 7 years!
    Take care
  • Thanks @arpie - I appreciate you starting this conversation.

    I'm in month 3 of Letrozole and gosh, I wish I was one of the 'no side effects' people.
    It's hard. I don't know whether I'm adapting to it, whether my 'discomfort' threshold is increasing, or whether the side are receding, but trying to imagine this as the new normal for the next 5, 7, 10 years ... well, it is overwhelming.

    My last med onc conversation was 'you should be feeling ...' and they lost me right there.
    What about what I am feeling? I very much know the difference between discomfort and pain.

    'Oh, maybe you're not exercising enough? Is it motivation that's stopping you going?'
    So 2 gym sessions per week (with a program honed by an exercise physio to help my bones given medication bone density loss likelihood in the future) and swimming 1km twice per week isn't enough?

    And no, my motivation is fine, it's joint pain and fatigue that convinces me to rest and not soldier on.

    It will be very interesting to see going forward if there are any trials alternate protocols for AI's.

    Absolute best wishes to you when you're off them altogether
  • Well done!!  Will you be finishing up this year, @iserbrown?

    Sadly, @cactusk ..  Most Oncs have NO idea of the actual side effects of the AIs  - So if they are saying you 'should be feeing "x" ' ... they are really only parroting what others have said, or what they've read in their text books during training.  They need to listen to their clients and BELIEVE what they are being told.  My first Onc was an arrogant male who didn't believe there were ANY side effects to AIs and when a new Onc started at the hospital & I saw her as a locum with my 'other' Onc was away, I asked to be transferred to her - and she was very receptive to all my whinges & immediately gave me a 3 month break, then changed meds .... TWICE!! She then treated my husband when he was diagnosed with mets & he LOVED seeing her - she was just so bright, optimistic, and lovely to deal with (still is)!

    SO - if you are NOT happy with your Onc not believing your side effects .... you CAN change to another one. xx

    It doesn't really have much to do with whether you exercise or not - as the aches & pains often prevent you from being as active as you used to be!   I was VERY fit & strong before my diagnosis .... not so now.  Nor it isn't lack of motivation - it is bloody aches & pain & discomfort!  What exactly don't they understand about that?  BTW ... Well done on your current exercise regime xx

    This is a list of side effects that our members have contributed to over the years (by adding 'x' to specific side effects that THEY've had over the years on the various AIs.) The 'dots' are from the original list ..... So choose FEMARA and run your eye down the list & see which ones apply to you? (Not everyone gets ALL of the side effects, thank GOD!)

    It also shows the various 'names' of the AIs and the difference between AIs, vs SERMs vs ERDs ..... 

    take care ... feel free to print this off & show it to your Onc!!  ;)   it will educate them!
  • Exactly @arpie!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💯💯💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • I just found this thread. All my favourites are on here 

    Hi everyone!!
    Best timing to read this as I was thinking  I wonder if anyone starts these drugs slowly. Our bodies need a bit of respite. 

    Another thing to annoy my med onc about 🥹😂
  • I reckon you could give it a go, as you have not yet started on your AIs, @MrsMorrisey ..... and you can update us on how you go over the next year or two or three - if/when you start to feel any side effects that you've never felt before & what they are, that you believe you can attribute to the meds (if you are up to it!)  Or better still - if you are having NO SIDE EFFECTS - even BETTER reason to STILL tell us!!  ;) 

    If you have to wean OFF certain drugs (eg steroids & opioids) then it makes sense to wean ON to a drug that can impact our bodies so badly, even tho it is reducing our risk of recurrence! :( 

    Let's face it, the longer we CAN tolerate taking these meds, the better off we are for it. 

    If this method ALLOWS us to continue taking the meds for longer ... well & good. xx

    Take care & all the best for when you start ;) 
  • Geez @Zoffiel bit harsh in the wording there. 

    Not everyone has a great med onc that understands. Mine changed her mind on what was her original plan of Zoladex and Letrozole and prescribed Tamoxifen, with no explanation. 

    As a person who has never taken any prescription medication my whole life, you can see my hesitation as it will be a shock to my system.
    You hardly hear and  women say they sail through these drugs. 
    I’m certainly not kidding myself. 
  • If you don't want to take them, don't take them. But don't kid yourself that you can tinker with this stuff without potentially tragic consequences.

    What about drs that prescribe medications with “potentially tragic consequences” to women who are going through cancer.  

    Geez chemo, radiation, medication and surgery can all have “potential tragic consequences”. 
    Stupid thing to say @Zo@Zoffiel and precisely the reason I hardly come on here.