Feeling sick in my stomach as I head to Melbourne for 3D mammo and US today and appointment with my surgeon- 12 month check up.... when does the dread of recurrence disappear?
All the best for today @Aska .... it should all be perfectly OK xx. It does take a good 2-3 anniversaries for many to 'settle down' and not be spooked .....
Just remember that they are done for your own peace of mind as much as anything else xx
Treat yourself to a nice coffee & cake to celebrate afterwards - or a nice meal out xx
Hello @Aska, I am with @arpie - treat yourself to a coffee and cake (or, my usual is something savoury). 'Scanxiety' is one thing we probably all get as the annual tests are coming up so don't feel alone in that. The long trip to Melbourne is no doubt added thinking time for you so here's hoping you have some company to help keep your mind off it all. Have you any plans for shopping when down there ? If so, treat yourself ! All the best. 💖
Mine vanished in the fifth year! Up till then, I spent two or three weeks before my tests not panicky but with a range of odd twinges, funny feelings and so on. Simply did not happen on the fifth anniversary! The mind is a wonderful thing.
Hello @Aska. Just thinking of you and wondering how your day in the big city was yesterday. No doubt a long one with all your travel. When do you get your results ?
Oh June, thank you. It was such an emotionally draining day. Mammo and US ok, but I also now qualify for an MRI as part of my screening so back to Melbourne again on Monday. Xx
Hi @Aska. Good to hear that your day went OK. Damn, back to Melbourne - one of the minuses of living outside the city so medical services are not great. Are you on a train line or do you drive ? We are fortunate to have the trains which is far easier than driving - that is, IF the trains are not being replaced with buses which can double the journey time. This disease mucks with the emotions more than the body at times. We will be thinking of you on Monday. 💖
@Aska, I had the 3D mammogram and US just after chemo. And my surgeon says after that it will be on an annual basis from around my diagnosis date. Out of curiosity, why do you need to have MRI?
Hope you take some time out to treat yourself to a nice lunch in Melbourne 😊.
Thanks girls for the support. My husband drove last week, this time I'm taking train the night before and hanging out with my son who now lives in Melbourne. I qualify for an MRI as I was less than 50 at time if diagnosis, and my breast tissue is dense. I'm glad for this as I had lobular, which can be easily missed on mammogram and US.