Forum Discussion

lisa36718's avatar
10 years ago

cycle 16 of Kadcyla

i just had my cycle 16 far Kadcyla is still working for last scan in August read that the other tumour on my liver cannot be sighted anymore but the other one is still 23mm..I started Potassium supplements yesterday due to low Potassium levels... The nosebleeds so far are settling down for the last two cycles...Muscle & Joint pains i get mostly now plus fatigue especially in the afternoon..I get fevers as well at night..But I just take Panadol... Due to have another scan late this month again....????

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi Lisa, just hoping that your condition continues to improve, that your fever goes down, and that you're feeling much better soon. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????

  • Hi Lisa,

    I too are on Kadcyla.   I have not experienced the same level of side effects that you have.   Indeed I feel really well on it compared to other medical regimes.   I don't suffer with fatigue.   I have been living with cancer for 9 years and have been on Kadcyla for 18 months.   My disease has been stable.  

    Hope the same applies to you.  

    Live well.

    Karen C


  • Hi Karen

    i was just reading back the blogs i post and saw your reply...i just finished cycle 25 of kadcyla and so far been doing well..tumours are decreasing in size ..been stable except for some mild pneumonia..but all good now...just need to stop Kadcyla for a doctor said i will be having kadcyla indefinitely or as long as its working...??