I am not a therapist, do see one if you haven't already. But sorry I don't think I have ever seen much like that that covers full upper body and arms.
It would be too hard to put on if it was proper graduated compression all over and since you don't have lymphoedema of arm and trunk/chest it would be overkill. I do see the lipoedema ladies often wear separates e.g. two separate sleeves, vest, high top leggings/pantyhose or tights and bike short type compressions in various combos. But they are ladies with lipoedema.
Proper medical grade graduated compression of trunk and arms for people who need it - my first thought is brand Second Skin. They do custom. I have a lymphie friend who has a few times had trunk compression made by them, but she keeps the arm sleeves as separate so as to have more options and flexibility to don, doff and mix n match items but it helped her with trunk odema.
www.secondskin.com.auI think there may be some compression sleeve in various brands who do across upper back and both arms connected- would be hard to put on.
There are tummy and back ones with no breast coverage. some with upper arm, they are more for post for cosmetic surgery. eg not aussie but just to show you what i meant
Lot of the cosmetic industry related items have many weird type compression garments. But I don't think your looking for proper medical compression if your only at risk of. But either way they all have to be purchased through a lymphoedema therapist as they are all medical devices. Any thing proper compression is regulated.
Remember compression is only one part of the puzzle. You are early days, and its great you are learning and trying to prevent it. Not everyone gets it. You haven't had radiation so that lowers you risk, but yes higher body weight and node removal does cause risk. Do try and see a therapist and get a Ldex score and monitored if you haven't already. Do learn from reputable sources like BCNA webinars. ALERT and LAA, not 'wellness' sites. Be alert but not alarmed and invest your time into quality self care and healing.
Lymphoedema can be managed - its not the end of the world if it happens. I've been wearing compression for over 15 years. Its fine, my arm is not huge.
Then there are garments that are not medical grade compression, more like active wear and may have knobs inside the fabric to help massage skin and maybe encourage lymph flow. They are not as firm, not graduated compression or as fitted, often more stretchy and there are sporty type products that are just firm and fitting for some low level support.
Maybe you are thinking of those things marketed to sports and often lipedema community, not lymphoedema?
Aussie Podcasts like The Lipoedema Podcast and other lipedema sites, there maybe ladies there who may be more into compression tops for their upper arms and body.
Elastiqueathletics are trendy overseas, they have body suits with long sleeves but not large sizes.
Some suppliers pages you can explore:
bilateral light sleeve, not graduated compression
If you are at risk, but do not have lymphoedema, you really only need a round knit arm sleeve/gauntlet of low grade compression.
If you have chest swelling then investing in a compression bra like haddenham prarie wear may be more beneficial for you and use of your resources, the Prima has the most coverage and goes up to a 3xl -123-132cm above chest
If I think of anything else I will come back and post it here and on my
Fb page.
But sorry I don't know of any full all over tops that are firm fitted in plus size. Shape wear maybe..?