@tom ... Hi Molly, That's a shame. Did you have bone density tests before you started the Anastrozole? Then the more recent tests would show how quickly your bone density has reduced? (Roughly) what age are you? Our bone density lessens as we age too ... so it can be a double whammy, with the AIs as well as natural aging :(
Sadly, it is fairly common for the bones to become less dense & more brittle with AIs - leading to fractures. (I fractured a vertebrae last year, but it was a nasty backwards fall so I can't really blame Anastrozole for that one :( )
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8685978/I've been on Anastrozole for 5 years now and last time I was checked a couple of years ago, my bones were 'OK' .... I see my Onc again later this month & will ask for all the bone tests to be done again .... as I am finishing it next year, anyway, tho she has said I 'can' stop now if I like. If my tests come back as 'ok' I'll probably stay on it til this time next year ...
take care & all the best. I've been advised to take Caltrate tablets to help strengthen the bones.