Forum Discussion

tessg's avatar
9 months ago

following radiotherapy

Hello, I'm new to the site.  I was dx with Stage 2 breast ca, had lumpectomy and finished 3 weeks of radiotherapy a week ago.  I was feeling pretty good throughout radiation but for the last 2 days I feel like I've been hit by a truck - very fatigued but nauseous as well - can someone tell me if fatigue/nausea onset is normal one week after radiotherapy finishes?
Many thanks :) 
  • Hi @tessg
    Fatigue is very common -  I felt very flat for a number of weeks after my radiotherapy.
    I didn’t have nausea but it would be worth getting in touch with your medical team as they may prescribe you something for it .
    Mind you , whenever I take anti nausea drugs they make me very sleepy.
  • @tessg definitely hitting a wall after rads is finished is normal. I also got nauseous. Later found out i had acid reflux and a hiatus hernia dont know that they were related. The tiredness and strength struggle do ease eventually I found small walks at first then built up to longer ones helped a lot getting out in the fresh air is always good for us.  
    If you have other unusual side effects as well you csn bring them up at your next Drs appointment. 
  • I will be starting radiation on 15 July. My oncologist told me that I will be very tired but after the radiation. I also have to learn how to manage it.
  • Best wishes to you @tessg - It is years ago now, but I found that little walks gradually turn into bigger walks. Luckily no nausea for me; but bad skin peeling. RU OK on that front?
  • @tessg I've just finished radiation treatment and I saw my radiation oncologist last week. She told me to be prepared to get some fatigue the week following the end of treatment as this is quite common. But if you are concerned I would speak to your breast care nurse. 
  • @tessg, Hi!
    fatigue is common, but I found walking very helpful to combat the fatigue. I didn’t get nausea so best to contact your medical team and ask them.

    Separately, my radiated side ( specifically the arm)become very tight/ restricted after 2-3 months. I was slacked with my arms exercises, so remember to do the recommended arms exercises after radiation ☢️ 
  • Fatigue is so common, I just finished my 6 weeks last Friday 05.07.2024, so pleased its over, I felt like I had been hit by a truck on week 5, 
    weeks 6 and this week post, I'm doing better,
    But yes feeling so tired and fatigued is normal. just try and rest as much as you can. it dose get better, possibly check in with your Rad nurse about the nausea, I personally didn't experience that, but ginger is a good anti nausea remedy, so if you like gingernut biscuits you could try a gingernut biscuit with a cuppa. works a treat with sea sickness too. 
    Best of luck, hope you feel better soon