Hair loss question
interesting that we value our hair as part of who we are, and loss effects our self esteem, it is reassuring to know you are not alone and others are supportive, it is like belonging to a club and signals you are not alone. The cancer centre certainly becomes home and supportive staff and other patients help you get…
Surgeons in S.A
Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in Adelaide?
What to say!
hello lovelies First time poster
Lymphovascular invasion question?
My story I'm 47 married with a 19 year old son .. I found a lump under my left arm and kept an eye on for a week or so and when it didn't go away so I thought I better get it checked out.. that was 10/3 .. doctor was not really worried but sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound.. went on the 17/3 .. Had the mammogram and…
Decisions, decisions...
I was diagnosed a month ago. I have had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago (7.5 mm tumour removed with clear margins)and 6 lymph nodes removed (all clear). Diagnosed Stage 1 Grade 2 er+ pr+ Her 2- . All good news and my radiotherapy oncologist says " you would really need convincing" to consider chemo and books me into 20…
Freaking out about Mastectomy
Hi Everyone, So, My surgery is booked for 27th March, which is next Monday. I had no choice, Right mastectomy. The surgeon suggested immediate recon with air inflatable tissue expander to be replaced by a silicon implant later on would be best recon option for me at present. They will test sentinel node while I’m under and…
Lots of questions, learning lots.
Hi, I have just had my left Breast off and 14 lymph nodes out. Going really well. Had my op two weeks ago today. Asking advice on when I can drive? Is there a time limit or just go on how you are recovering. Getting used to the numb weird feeling down my arm too. Its all very new and a tad scary at times. Starting Chemo…
Just need to write it down.
Soooooooooooooooo I am here. I have never really been one for group discussions or looking for help with stuff. I am the one every one else comes to. My world changed on the 1st March when I went to the GP with a swollen left breast and lumps. I swear I never felt them before. But now I doubt myself. And the what if…
Hello Ladies, Can someone give me some info on the approx cost of chemotherapy?
So I am terrified, I have been booked in for a total masectomy and total axillary disection, so all lymph nodes removed under armpit. I have been told that I cant have reconstruction as I need to finish 6 weeks daily of radio first and that radio effects the outcome of reconstruction. I am only 37 years old. Can someone…
Story so far
Hello and happy Easter everyone. First of all I would like to thank those responsible for this fabulous online network, it is a great resource. Secondly, to each and every one of you amazing ladies who are on this rollercoaster, you are angles in disguise! I have visited the network on a number of occasions but today…
Sick of the drainage!
Hi everyone, Please help with any advice 'seroma related' as I am very frustrated. My lump was removed start of December and I'm going tomorrow for my 7th drainage of the horrible '3rd boob' that is hanging out under my arm. My port and 1st chemo session were originally scheduled for 16th Jan but have now been postponed…
A new member and really wishing I wasn't
Received diagnosis on Feb 24th of Ductal Invasive Carcinoma Grade 2 in left breast after Mammogram with Breastscreen. Fortunately Dr de Viana was the one who gave me my results and I later found out he was one of the best here on the Gold Coast for surgery and treatment. I was in shock and we had a cruise organised with…
Newly diagnosed
I've retyped this post so many times I wasn't sure what to say. I got my results today and I feel numb. I've been quite calm, not many tears, but I know it hasn't hit me yet. At this stage, it's early breast cancer but I meet with the surgeon tomorrow. We are new to where we live and apart from my husband and two young…
Tomorrow is day
I'm am so scared beyond belief. I'm having my Double Masc tomorrow and lymph nodes as well ..l feel like lm going to go insane and run from the hospital ..l have cried for 2 days of and on ..spoke to BC nurse and friends ..l feel like l will end up in a phys ward or something ...l really dont no how you have all come…