Lots of questions, learning lots.

KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
Hi, I have just had my left Breast off and 14 lymph nodes out. 
Going really well. Had my op two weeks ago today.
Asking advice on when I can drive? Is there a time limit or just go on how you are recovering.
Getting used to the numb weird feeling down my arm too. 
Its all very new and a tad scary at times. 

Starting Chemo first week of May. 
Reading lots of comments on this page and it's helpful, just trying to navigate 
my way around the web page.



  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Welcome Kylie, it is great you are doing so well after surgery. I am yet to go through the lymph node clearance and mastectomy, so am interested to read your description of the weird numb feeling. 
    You will find a lot of information here to help you along your treatment, and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
    Have you found the downloadable or order able information sheets on the main BCNA site? In resources. They are also very helpful to know what is out there for you to access.

    Perhaps ring your surgeons office and ask about the driving, I was told it was one week after an anaesthetic for legal reasons, but am not sure about the use of your arm and whether that affects it.

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment and healing. Jennie

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Kylie Burrows nz

    Welcome! Certainly a wealth of knowledge and experience here and so many wonderful supportive ladies. What I love is how incredibly giving they all are and so so helpful!

    Glad to hear youre traveling along so well! Great! I've had a recent left breast Mastectomy/Diep Flap reconstruction and I was told 6 weeks before I could drive, so I'd check with your surgeon. I had lymph nodes out in 2015 and still part of my armpit is numb, some of it will come back but some of it may not, I haven't found it to be a massive problem though, just weird really. 

    If you have any questions or need a vent, just yell!!! We're all happy to help anyway we can. Hugs Melinda xo
  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    I ordered the My Journey Kit and that's a great package.
    Three really good books, I love the dairy to record everything as my brain has been a tad filled with all the info and its good to keep a record of it all. 

    I will I'll give the Surgeons nurse a call, thank you.
    and good luck to.
  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    Ha, tried to shave under my arm I gave up on that as I could not feel arm pit and was shaving fresh air! To scared to push hard. 
    I am starting chemo est first week in May for about 6 mths then radiation, Breast reconstruction will be 12mths away. 
    Seeing oncologist on the 27th again to set dates. 
    Its a lot to get your head around isn't it.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    It's massive to get your head around, no matter your age, your diagnosis or treatment. It seems to come out of nowhere completely unravels your life or the life as you know it. Completely overwhelming and consuming absolutely, until you find your feet a little. 

    Oh yes!! I get my armpits waxed LOL but blessing of chemo was I lost every hair on my body Everywhere haha!! was a positive :) 

    I had my first diagnosis 2011, high grade DCIS biopsies, lumpectomy, Radiation and and Tamoxifen, then a recurrence in my scar in 2015 worst luck. Then biopsies, another major lumpectomy 4.5 months of Chemo and on Arimidex now. February due to recurrence I had a Mastectomy/Diep Flap reconstruction of left breast. So finally haha after 6yrs I am moving on. I just have a revision to do to match my boobs and then recreate a nipple. :) 

    Best thing I can tell you is, take a deep breath, communicate alot and one thing at a time, it will help keep you balanced. Big hugs Melinda xo
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi kylie healing greetings ..driving a manual with the surgery to  left side just be extra careful but hope you have auto! I waited two weeks but did not have lymph nodes removed. All the best Bright
  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    Hi Bright.

    Yesterday I felt good and did a lot of odd jobs around home but today I am stiff as the day has gone on, So I will take it day by day now.
    I am loving reading all these stories and information on here. 
    Thanks Bright. 
  • NaomiV
    NaomiV Member Posts: 26
    Hi Kylie,
    So good to hear you are recovering well! 
    I waited until my drains came out before I drove. I was told that it's not so much the external but the internal stitches that are a problem if you bust one by pulling in an unexpected way - so I didn't risk it until I felt really comfortable.
    With the shaving under your arm thing - it is totally weird isn't it! If you nick yourself when shaving it can increase your risk of lymphedema (as you've had your nodes out). I use an electric shaver now and even though it's a bit more annoying, I figure any risk reduction is worth it! Take care!

  • KylieBNZ
    KylieBNZ Member Posts: 11
    Hey good idea electric shaver.. shaver shop here I come..
    so much to learn! 
    Both my drains are out and op was two weeks ago today. Under my arm is stiff as today I think I did too much yesterday.
    chat soon 

  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    edited April 2017
    Hey Kylie

    This is when your learning curve is at its steepest!

    I also found the best part of the 'My Journey' kit was the diary - I wrote all my notes, questions, contacts, expenditure in there. It's been fantastic.

    The other thing I found useful (there are lots of other things as well...) is the Zonta pillow. Ask your breastcare nurse to organise one for you - they help when using a seatbelt in the car, sleeping etc. They are made by volunteers through Zonta international and these wonderful ladies do a great job!

    Take care. We will all be thinking of you

    Nikki x

    ps like @melclarity, I've taken to getting my underarms waxed 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi Kylie, welcome
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Oh no, a long post just disappeared!
    It sounds like you are doing really well.   This site is so valuable for all the support and information offered by the wonderful ladies. There is no instruction manual for breast cancer. For the most part we are all in the dark at first and need to figure it out as we go along. It's interesting to look back a few months later and realise how much we now understand and we can actually help others just starting out.
    I started driving around 3 weeks post op. I had a left nipple sparing mastectomy with an immediate implant. There is a bit of trauma to the pec muscle so I wanted to be sure I could turn the wheel in a hurry if I needed to!
    I'm almost 9 months post op and still have a partially numb arm. The real sensitivity inside my left arm passed after 2 months which was a relief.  My underarm has partial feeling which makes shaving interesting.  The nerves under my arm have joined a bit oddly - I can have the razor in my armpit but feel it halfway down my arm!
    The diary in the My Journey kit was great. I also bought a clip folder (pink of course) with dividers.
    This was really helpful for filing receipts, admission info, exercise sheets etc all in one place.
    I hope you continue to recover well.  Take care and all the best with your upcoming treatment.
    Jane xx

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Hi lm 5 years post and my underarm is still numb weirdest feeling especialy washing.keep up those exercises they are so important, dont rush things and take time out for you, before you know it you will look back and cant believe where time goes. Adean
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I too think I was told 3 weeks after mastectomy and they just recommend you have a little test drive first. Keep up those post surgery exercises. Have you a breast care nurse you can discuss with?
  • Di
    Di Member Posts: 50
    @KylieBNZ  hi Kylie . 4,years ago on the 20th March I had a left breast mastectomy and 20 nodes removed. I still have a numb feeling under my arm. The specialist explained that the nerves are effected and I may get some feeling back or may not. It is a strange sensation. I was told I could not drive for 6 weeks but I guess you could clarify that with your doctor. I went through 6 months chemo and then 6 weeks radiation daily 5 days a week. I was referred to a Physio which I went to for 12 months once finished with her she recommended an oncology and lymph drainage trained massage therapist. I have been going to her monthly for 2  years now. This helps and I find if my arm gets swollen I use my sleeve I was given. I do the lymph drainage massage to keep in top of things as I had so many nodes removed. 
    I decided after 4,years to go through with a reconstruction and no longer will need to wear my prothesis . I am waiting to see my surgeon whom has cancelled twice so hopefully the 11th May put eill find out my next step . 
    There is always someone on this site to help out with any questions you may have so don't hesitate .
    Good luck with your next steps. 
    Di xx