Decisions, decisions...

tracyec Member Posts: 3
I was diagnosed a month ago. I have had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago (7.5 mm tumour removed with clear margins)and 6 lymph nodes removed (all clear). Diagnosed Stage 1 Grade 2 er+ pr+ Her 2- . All good news and my radiotherapy oncologist says " you would really need convincing" to consider chemo and books me into 20 radiotherapy treatments.  The next day I see the medical oncologist who throws me a loop and says because my Ki67 is 20% I should consider chemo but its up to me. or just go with anti-hormone treatment and radiotherapy. He was very clinical and talked about chemo being the "cherry on top". He recommended the gene test Endopredict to help make the decision. I have read so many posts on this site and don't know what to do. I don't know if I'm overthinking everything now? I have read about the long term effects/ risks with chemo. I would do it in a heart beat if he said you need to do this, but he was so casual about it... he threw so many statistics at us. My husband and I walked out with our heads spinning. We are seeing another oncologist today to get a second opinion. It's so bloody confusing.... I am sure others have been in this position as well. 


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444  sorry to hear how you are feeling regarding your appointments.... 
    Do you have a breast care nurse?
    that you could ask questions of they often can talk in our terms about what the specialists are saying. 
    I am sure others will answer you and give you some information to help you come to a decision once you have your 2nd opinion. 
    Soldier Crab

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Very wise to get a second opinion. It can be really hard when you are expected to make decisions that possibly have long term implications. You're just coming to terms with all of it and then you are expected to be the expert!! A second talk will probably clarify what the real benefits may or may not be. If chemo is a recommended option, remember there are many types and combinations, seek information in writing about possible effects before you make a final decision. Information you understand is half the battle! 
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    I would also talk to your GP. Mine was very good. We are told we have to make an informed choice. Apart from Dr google and perhaps books on breast cancer it is not an easy thing to do. For such an important decision even a third oncologist is not out of the question. All oncologist are extremely competent but the one who you click with and breaks down all the jargon is the one you need.
  • Alola
    Alola Member Posts: 5
    Hi Tracy,
    My cancer is : Lobular carcinoma, grade2, stage 2, 12 mm, 1 node affected, ER3+ 90%, PR2+ 2%, Ki67 20%.
    I am waiting for my Endopredict test now. It is a hard decision for me too.
    I just discussed this with my daughter who is a veterinarian and she said, it's better to trust the professionals in making the final decision based on the Endopredict test. 
    We are in the same situation and I hope we can sort everything out with peace of mind.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I think getting the endopredict test would be the best way to know which is the best option as it determines recurrence risk and only available for your type of cancer. A second opinion is a great idea too to help make a decision. None of it easy and we all wonder if we have made the right decision even when we have clear direction. Did you have the test? 

    I'm sorry you've had to join our group but feel free to ask anything. Take care. Kath x
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444 some of the ladies have replied today wanted to tag you so you see it. 
    Hoping you have some clarity now about what is the best option forward for you. 
    Soldier Crab
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hey @Soldier Crab if responding on a persons post they get a notification without tagging. It's only if you want to respond to others on the post that you need to tag.  :)
  • tracyec
    tracyec Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your replies. After seeking a second opinion I commenced first round of chemo.Now up to Day 16.
    Going ok. i didn't have endopredict test in the end had consultation with genetic oncologist.
    Such a merry go round of information, waiting, decisions, waiting,action, waiting etc etc.
    I just have to get on with it and do the best I can. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Wishing you all the best with it Xx 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    My chemo was a given since my sentinel node was positive but because I had a mastectomy my radiologist deems radiation therapy not required. Everyone is different.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hope all going well. Glad you were able to make the decision after second opinion.