Finished chemo and bad news
Hi all, I have my sixth and last round of TCH chemo which is good news. But while I was talking to my Oncologist she said that the MRI I had on Monday found pre cancerous cells in my right breast. So now both breast are affected. I see my breast surgeon on Monday so I will have to see what he recommends but I am thinking I…
Roller Coaster
Hi everyone, I honestly don't know where to start or how I feel at the moment. I joined this group on the 3rd June absolutely in shock after being diagnosed with early Breast Cancer the day before, I was told I would need a Biopsy and Lumpectomy followed by Radiation. I had so many wonderful ladies on here offer me support…
Lumpectomy this Friday, what to take to hospital?
Hi All, So I am in the countdown phase now. I know I have to take my scans and medication I'm on, but what about things like a nightie, dressing gown, slippers? Toothbrush and paste, hairbrush? I am in from 7.30am, surgery in arvo and go home in morn. Do I take the bra I'm still due to pick up T KMart? I seem to be frozen.…
Aux node clearance tomorrow
Feeling very scared. Had my right mastectomy on the 1/6 with sentinel node biopsy..two nodes positive. I went into the first op feeling positive, but now I feel tomorrow will just give more bad news. Hard to go in with any positive thoughts at all. Any info on what I can expect recovery wise? Also how long do I wait before…
Anyone not taking chemo ?
I was diagnose with breast cancer on my left breast and went for operation on 30 March, and one of the 3 sentinel notes taken has cancer. So I went for the second operation to take more the lymph node, and the result is clear (4 lymph notes), I am diagnosed with : Lobular carcinoma grade2, stage 2, 12 mm cancer, ER3+ 90%,…
DCIS and Reconstruction
Hello to all you lovely ladies who have taken time to put your experience and knowledge online. To introduce myself I'm a single mum (52) with a teenage daughter who is almost 18. A few weeks ago I had my 3rd routine mammogram (2 years apart) and was referred to RPH Breast clinic for further tests.....calcifications were…
breast cancer roller coaster
First visit to Breast Cancer Clinic, after small red spot on nipple. Surgeon no 100% not cancer, we do not know what that is, never seen anything like it before? Come back in 6 weeks and if it is still there we will do a biopsy.Guess what? you have cancer, told by the brand new intern on his first day, after a 5 hour wait…
Ive had seven days of radiation of the 30 sessions and wondering about flushing the body of the radiation excess by drinking heaps of water. My daughter thought she'd not be drinking any water and letting an excess radiation flow a far through the body as it could. But I feel like I need to rid any I don't need. This is…
Hi. Waiting for final results tomorrow
Good afternoon the last month has been a blur and filled with lots of tears. I went to gp for something else on the 24th of April and while I was there asked him to check a tiny lump in right breast. he recommended a mamagram and ultrasound. Of course I couldn't book it until the 26th of April so called on my way to work…
Freaking out. Internal mammary node
Hi guys, Did anyone have internal mammary node involvement?? I have one suspicious one and I'm terrified about this. Googling has made me feel worse. Some people can have it removed but its more tricky. I'm hoping chemo and radio is enough to knock any cancer out of it. Would really appreciate to hear some advice on this?
I am in shock
I was diagnosed yesterday 2/06 and I'm feeling a lot of different emotions. The hardest part is having to tell my kids, all teenagers and one has taken it particularly hard, so whilst I want to just fall apart I am staying strong for them so as not to scare them. My surgeon tells me it is very early Breast Cancer detected…
Do I Need Time? First surgeon appoint today, surgery in 2 weeks!
Hi, I got my test results back from 5 core samples last Thursday. Malignant. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 12mmx9mmx8mm. Grade 3 (T3, P3, M2). Positive ER (80%, 1-2). Negative PR and strong positive HER2 (3+). Today, Friday, a week later I saw the surgeon and he wants to do a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. He says I…
unfortunately because my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in February I decided to get an early Mammogram (our mother was diagnosed at 52) I'm 57 and my sister is 61. We have both been having regular mammograms since 40. I was not due for another 9 months. Imagine my surprise when I gat a call from Breastscreen…
Treatment and working
The last 6 weeks of my life feels like I've entered into some kind of alternate universe. Two surgeries later, I have been diagnosed with an 18mm, grade 3 triple negative, in one lymph node. I am 59 years old, no family history so feeling a lot of WTF moments. I am about to start 6 months of chemo and I know this is all…
My birthday today & Mastectomy tomorrow
Tomorrow is the day, I have to be at the hospital at 6am, my best friend is picking my daughter & I up around 5am to take us to the hospital for my mastectomy & Axillary clearance. Today is my birthday, I've had lots & lots of friends wish me well & some friends dropped in to see me today, with gifts & cake. My boyfriend…