I am in shock
I was diagnosed yesterday 2/06 and I'm feeling a lot of different emotions. The hardest part is having to tell my kids, all teenagers and one has taken it particularly hard, so whilst I want to just fall apart I am staying strong for them so as not to scare them. My surgeon tells me it is very early Breast Cancer detected…
Do I Need Time? First surgeon appoint today, surgery in 2 weeks!
Hi, I got my test results back from 5 core samples last Thursday. Malignant. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 12mmx9mmx8mm. Grade 3 (T3, P3, M2). Positive ER (80%, 1-2). Negative PR and strong positive HER2 (3+). Today, Friday, a week later I saw the surgeon and he wants to do a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. He says I…
unfortunately because my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in February I decided to get an early Mammogram (our mother was diagnosed at 52) I'm 57 and my sister is 61. We have both been having regular mammograms since 40. I was not due for another 9 months. Imagine my surprise when I gat a call from Breastscreen…
Treatment and working
The last 6 weeks of my life feels like I've entered into some kind of alternate universe. Two surgeries later, I have been diagnosed with an 18mm, grade 3 triple negative, in one lymph node. I am 59 years old, no family history so feeling a lot of WTF moments. I am about to start 6 months of chemo and I know this is all…
My birthday today & Mastectomy tomorrow
Tomorrow is the day, I have to be at the hospital at 6am, my best friend is picking my daughter & I up around 5am to take us to the hospital for my mastectomy & Axillary clearance. Today is my birthday, I've had lots & lots of friends wish me well & some friends dropped in to see me today, with gifts & cake. My boyfriend…
Different colours and warmer area on effected boob
i seem to have a lot of questions on here. Hope that's OK as I don't know who else to ask? And you wonderful 'Pioneers' have experienced most things BC. And thankfully share on here and support by giving your experiences. Thankyou. I've noticed my left breast (the one where the invasive ductal carcinoma was removed on 1/4…
Emotions and costs of BC
Since the initial shock of diagnosis I have had so many emotions and many new ones and unfortunately many old ones. Something that has bothered me from Day one is the feeling that we, newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, are being preyed upon somewhat. For me, at the news that I had invasive Breast cancer I presumed Id…
Very worried lump close to scar of mastectomy
HiHi all I had left breast removed February this yr 2017 and last chemo this friday was putting alovera on scar this morning and for lump near just the edge scar from breast mastectomy I still have lymph nodes they were clear very worried anyond had similar experience
Only two weeks into the journey
Hello ladies, I had tests (mammograms, ultrasound, core & FNA biopsies) last Thursday week & got my results on Tuesday 11/04/17, so very newly diagnosed. From what was going on & reactions, things that were said i guess I just knew. So by the time I got my results, I had started my journey to acceptance. Everything is no…
Newly diagnosed
hi everyone I was diagnosed just before Xmas 2016 and had surgery x 2 and radiotherapy x 16 which I finished 7 weeks ago. I've managed to work with the exception of some time off post surgery for axillary dissection. . I'm a hard worker and keen cyclist and have been very surprised at how much more difficult working and…
To Chemo or not to Chemo
Hi, recently diagnosed with early BC through a routine mammogram, original thoughts were DCIS but turned out to be Invasive cancer. I had the tumour removed 4 weeks ago and it turned out to be a lot bigger than expected at 35mm (mammogram estimated 15mm), there was no evidence of cancer in the lymph nodes. As the tumour…
Trial - early breast cancer
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/breast-cancer-treatment-single-dose-of-radiation-replaces-daily-treatment-in-medical-trial/news-story/ec96cb76954e1a4c032774d0f9f0490a I just saw this story promoted for the evening news! If the above link doesn't open then google "Breast cancer treatment: Single dose of radiation…
ALKALINE diet - trendy or good for us. & Immune treatment working?
Since diagnosis Ive been researching for CURES, diets, helpful hints, other people's experiences and feel a bit confused. One particular trend I keep hearing about and now reading about is the alkaline diet and the acidic. According to many sites and books and from people cancer cannot live in an alkaline body and thrives…
Chemo - New Member Redflower posted this on Activity page...
@redflower Hi I am new to this..I am 41 married 19 years and have 2 kids. 14 yr old son and 12 year old daughter. got diagnosed 3 weeks ago have had lump and 2 nodes removed which were clear. phew the next week i had my portacath(?) put in.. which i am yet to name..annoying painful buggar comes to mind at the moment. i…
Meeting with Specialists Initially
Hello, My name is Jen, 29, married, no kids. On Friday 21st April I had scans for a lump in the right breast. On Monday 24th April, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the right breast, left breast and right armpit lymph nodes. I saw the surgeon specialist on Wednesday 26th who has recommended a double mastectomy to take…