Seeing surgeon for results today
Hi ladies, well finally after almost 4 months, today is the day I get the results from my recent surgery. I am stumped over what to ask her because of course it depends on what the results are as to what questions I would need to ask. Further surgery, chemo, radiation etc. Its all unknown to me right now. The only thing I…
Highs and Lows ... WAVES of whacky emotions..
Hello. I've been floating through so many discussions and thought I'd say hello. Im 28, I received my positive BRACA result AUG 2017, and early sept I found I have a stage 3 triple neg invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast. I think I'm ok, then I cry for 2 hours. I google my diagnosis, then I start writing goodbye…
Hello just diagnosed
Hello everyone, I'm From Brisbane. I had my diagnosis given to me by my GP on Monday, who confirmed BC. Last week I had a CT with contrast scan for my lungs. A mass was seen on the breast which I already had reported to my GP and which I was scheduled to have tested the following week. They brought my Mammo and US forward…
Diet for HER2 positive breast cancer
Hi, What is the recommended diet for HER2 positive breast cancer? Is it ok to eat avocado, kidney beans and black beans?
Hello All , thanks for your tips and advice been off line for abit. I get shamed to ask for help and advice you are lovely people again thanks Shaz
Recently Diagnosed
Hi everyone. Im new to all this Breast Cancer Thing! I have just in the last week been diagnosed with Early Breast Cancer! -Thru having a "routine mammogram"..Was a shock! And am still "Trying to get my head around it all" and am trying to get a full-grasp on : Early Breast Cancer! & *what that exactly means* -as what to…
Hi How are you all today? Just wondering what comes with radiotherapy to have a heads up please? Sharyn x
Second time around
I had breast cancer eight years ago, had lumpectomy, radiation and five years meds. After mammogram in August they discovered dcis in other breast, after operation to remove they found small invasive tumour so had to go back in a week later for Lymph nodes. The decision I have to make now before 4th October is do I have…
i was diagnosed recently , tumor is 10cm, cancer all through breast , so many tests to do, so scared especially for the core biopsy , terrified it's spread , terrified they won't be able to save me, it will ruin me financially as I'm a sun contractor
First Chemo postphoned
Bit dissapointed as my first round of chemo has been postphoned due to getting my seroma drained again tomorrow i had that done last week aswell. Lets hope it doesnt come back after this drainage.i should be gratefully my Oncologist is very thorough.
Triple negative and DCIS
Hi all. Got my results yesterday and I'm grade 3 stage 1a TNBC. No node involvement. 15mm lump removed. however.. they found 17mm of DCIS around the tumour and a further 3cm of DCIS about 1cm from the original rumour. This DCIS was not picked up in triple testing! now I need an MRI before chemo and later genetic testing,…
Surgery tomorrow - Finally
well ladies the day has finally arrived. I went for my sentinel node needle thingy and scans this afternoon. Well that was a tad painful I can tell you. Anyway it's over with now and I have to be at the hospital at 7.30am tomorrow for the lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. The next step to full diagnosis. It's over three…
Where do you start!!!
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, already have had partial mastectomy, my results were described as confusingly good and bad, It's all such a mind overload at the moment. Have been advised to have full mastectomy which I guess is a no brainer, but wow so much information so many decisions that affect everyone. I'm still stunned.
New Lady On Board
Hi to everyone how are you all going ? I have just three days in been diagnosed am feeling overwhelmed and love to hear from anyone with some advice please
Hello Ladies