Triple negative and DCIS
Hi all. Got my results yesterday and I'm grade 3 stage 1a TNBC. No node involvement. 15mm lump removed. however.. they found 17mm of DCIS around the tumour and a further 3cm of DCIS about 1cm from the original rumour. This DCIS was not picked up in triple testing! now I need an MRI before chemo and later genetic testing,…
Surgery tomorrow - Finally
well ladies the day has finally arrived. I went for my sentinel node needle thingy and scans this afternoon. Well that was a tad painful I can tell you. Anyway it's over with now and I have to be at the hospital at 7.30am tomorrow for the lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. The next step to full diagnosis. It's over three…
Where do you start!!!
New Lady On Board
Hi to everyone how are you all going ? I have just three days in been diagnosed am feeling overwhelmed and love to hear from anyone with some advice please
Hello Ladies
Photo thought i share
Feeling nervous now
8 weeks ago I was diagnosed with INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMA AND DUCTAL CARCINOMA IN SITU. I saw the breast surgeon within a few days and she sent me to have multitudes of scans, blood tests etc. my diagnosis is complicated by the fact that I had a hip replacement 17 months ago that was complicated by a major post op…
Waiting for surgery
Hi everyone, I am doing my best to say positive but waiting for surgery is soooooo hard. I got my last results back today & now waiting for a surgery date, it could be three weeks - this scares me. Does this sound normal? It is hard being positive about this wait with my family. Thanks in advance
Surgery 15Th August
Getting very anxious and scared so close to surgery day
My Results day 31st August
Ive had my surgery 15th August i got a lumpectomy done .now i find out my results from my Surgeon and whats happens from there im getting very anixous and scared. My pathology report says i had IDC grade 3 before my surgery lets hope they got it all.
Follow up with surgeon today
hi everyone some positive news. We saw the surgeon today to follow up after lumpectomy and he is positive he cleaned it all out and the pathology is all clear too!!! He took the lymph nodes too and only one showed any cancer. We see Arlene Chan Oncologist 3rd May to get chemo organised so onward and upward
Chemotherapy delay
I had 2 lumps removed from my right breast 16 years ago, had no problems until June this year when I had a mammogram and ultrasound and although no lumps were found, my right lymph nodes looked unusual. I had a fine needle biopsy and it came back that there were metastasised cancer cell in my lymph nodes. I had umpteen…
Radiation/Letrozole or NOT?
Was diagnosed at the end of June and had lumpectomy + one lymph node excision in early July. Lymph node and tumour margins clear. Tumour Grade 1 and only 8mm. ER/PR positive. Am reluctant to have any treatment - just can't decide what to do! Was on HRT patches and have now ceased, so oestrogen levels lowered. Left breast…
Finding the right word
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Hello, and another one recently diagnosed and starting on the journey
I'm in the whirlwind phase with recent diagnosis of BC and a lumpectomy on 31 July. Now scheduled for right breast mastectomy next Monday 21 August and frantically getting my head around reconstruction, recovery, chemo later, handover at work and just staying sane. Tumor is out clear and nodes are clear after the…