
ShazS Member Posts: 131
Hello All , thanks for your tips and advice been off line for abit. I get shamed to ask for help and advice you are lovely people again thanks Shaz


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    We're all in this together! 
    Take care 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Never be ashamed because you don't know something or need advice. You have anonymity here that you don't have in 'real' life. You can ask what ever you like and there is a good chance someone else has some experience.

    We may not know who you are (that doesn't matter)  but we know what you are going through.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I agree! don't ever feel that, this is the one place where I have always felt so understood and supported, there are no silly questions ever! just a wealth of experience that so many here are so happy to share in the hope it helps someone else. Hugs xoxo Melinda 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Awwww @ShazS , I know I hesitated initially and read lots of posts before I jumped in and asked a question. It gets easier and we are all here to support each other. No taboo's, no judgements, just everyone trying to help each other. Pretty cool really!! ;) Big hug lovely. Xx Cath
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Fuck oath! ALWAYS ask what ever you want whenever you want and say what ever you want lovey. There's no judgements here just plain understanding, compassion advice and help. I'm going to give the ACA thing a crack.... fuck it can't do any harm can it ladies. There are so many issues here that just keep getting harder and harder to solve due to bullshit red tape. Margie ❤️
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi Ladies , Thanks for your on going support to have you all to talk helps me a lot and I am sure I not talking just for myself. Yous a awesome Ladies. Shazx
  • nonkyboy
    nonkyboy Member Posts: 188
    How are you feeling @ShazS?
  • ShazS
    ShazS Member Posts: 131
    Hi Heaps better thanks. Happy they got the cancer out now wait to see the doctors and see what the plan is. I just got  so crook had that much medication mending now tho . Shazx