Triple negative and DCIS

Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
Hi all. Got my results yesterday and I'm grade 3 stage 1a TNBC. No node involvement. 15mm lump removed.
however.. they found 17mm of DCIS around the tumour and a further 3cm of DCIS about 1cm from the original rumour. 
This DCIS was not picked up in triple testing!
now I need an MRI before chemo and later genetic testing, but likely to need a double mastectomy.
anyone else had this???


  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    @Carols @fairydust @melclarity are you able to help @Spiv1803 out.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey @Ann-Marie and @Spiv1803 I was Grade 3 Stage 2 but ER+ no node involvement, sorry not TN. It's not unusual to be honest to find more at lumpectomy. Thing is they do biopsies but they are absolutely useless half the time, diagnosis is never the same as it can't be definitive like Surgery is. So really they shouldnt say anything until surgery is done and they know for certain a diagnosis. I had genetic testing just a blood test, nothing much, due to a recurrence, it was negative. Only 5% of BC is hereditary. Go figure. 

    I never had any MRI's but they are being very thorough before they finalise your treatment plan I think. Hugs xo Melinda
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there I had TNBC may last year. Stage 2a grade 3 aged 43. My original mammogram said 1.8cm Timor then when I had the surgery it ended up being 3cm. So sometimes they don't know until the tumor is removed. I had the affected boob off 8 rounds of chemo 2 weeks apart no radiation but took the other boob off 6 months later as a preventative. Rest assured you will get the best treatment plan for you and it can be crappy but it was doable for me. Feel free to message me if you'd like to chat anytime. Margie xx