
Member Posts: 7
i was diagnosed recently , tumor is 10cm, cancer all through breast , so many tests to do, so scared especially for the core biopsy , terrified it's spread , terrified they won't be able to save me, it will ruin me financially as I'm a sun contractor
Tam, So sorry you've joined our site
- it is an incredibly stressful time waiting for tests and results. Anxiety levels go through the roof but you've done the right thing coming on here and letting us know how you are feeling. We as a group understand the stress you are feeling. Just concentrate on one thing at a time, it is all too overwhelming if you try and deal with everything at once. When are you scheduled for your various tests, core biopsy? Just keep in mind you have been diagnosed and your team (who you will meet as you progress through treatment) are aiming to get you through this with the best possible outcome, they are totally on your side, as are we
Do you have any income protection either through income protection insurance or through your superannuation??? Or a friend of mine was told she could claim centrelink sickness benefits for the time she was off work (I know - not much income wise but better than nothing!!) I'm sure that the other ladies here will be able to add to suggestions to help you through. Keep us posted with how you are going.Xx Cath
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Thank u, no super or income protection, has bone desity scan fri, cat and pet scans mon/ tue and they'll ring about biopsy ( i hope they give me a local first )0
Hi Tam - take a deep breath - it is all so overwhelming but we are here to help you through. Yes they will give you a local first for your biopsy. The most important thing now is it has been detected and they are putting you through all the tests to determine the best possible treatment.
Just concentrate on one test at a time and write notes and ask lots of questions, they are there to help you through and we are all here willing you through.
Take care
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Hey Tam, no problems. I ended up having two core biopsies and I was given a local. I had a tumor 2.7cm with a second lesion which turned out to be benign. I also had three fine needle biopsies done at the same time. The fine needle biopsies I didn't even feel. One of the core biopsies was very painful (sorry but think it's best not to sugarcoat it!) and the second one wasn't painful at all. Other ladies on the site have suggested also taking 2 nurofen and 2 panadol together prior to going for the biopsies to add another layer of pain buffer - reckon I'd do that! And yes it seems like the tests will never end but they are getting a wonderful complete view of how your body, bones and system are dealing with the cancer before they commence treatment. This is so they do not miss anything and give you the best outcome possible. Xx
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Hi Tam, It all happens really quickly at the start while the doctors are working out exactly what they are dealing with, but once you get a treatment plan it settles down a bit. I think the uncertainty at the start is possibly the hardest bit. Take some breaths and be kind to yourself.0
Hi Tam,
This is the worst time, not knowing enough and waiting for appointments. It helps to keep busy - buy a notebook as your life is about to get very busy as treatment speeds up. Take it with you everywhere and write down appointments, tips, questions, lists to buy, dates, etc. Ask for copies of everything, especially pathology reports, and keep them in a file with all your medical expenses and receipts. (this is a real help at taxtime). Do you have your My Journey pack from BCNA yet? It helps with everything you need to know and tips to get through it all from other pink sisters. We are here for you. Just come online - often! Trust your team - you will get to know them all well, and they are in your corner. Big hug. Michelle x1 -
Welcome @Tam007 . I was able to claim against my life insurance as I had a trauma component...meant I could have half paid out. Meant a huge difference to us. The pain relief before the biopsy is a good idea but I would avoid nurofen as it is similar to aspirin and can increase bleeding. Panadeine probably better. This 1st part is very hard where all your emotions are on high alert and all of us understand that. The fear and anxiety is terrible. But it does get better knowing than not knowing. Also even if not confined to breast doesn't mean it is not treatable. ..many women live long lives despite this. Hope all this part goes quickly for you. Most likely they will start with some chemo once they know the type from the biopsies to shrink the tumour before surgery. I am assuming this is invasive breast cancer (IDC or ILC) rather than DCIS which can be large areas but not into the breast tissue yet. As time goes on you get to be an expert in the different types of breast cancer. Ask for copies of your biopsies etc as this is helpful later.
Just wondering what is a sun contractor?
Take Care. Kath x0 -
Hello Tam007, so sorry you have had to join our group but you will find so much support and information here.
These first weeks are so surreal and we do feel as if everything is out of our control. As many of the ladies have said, make notes of everything and ask lots of questions! Knowledge is power. I used the diary in My Journey pack to write down all the questions I could think of between appointments, no matter how naive or silly. With so much to take in I could guarantee I would forget to ask something! The core biopsy isn't pleasant but it is just a few moments in time for each one. I had 3 done and each felt like I was being flicked with an elastic band. A bit of pain for the next 24 hours and some bruising. But it is also the start of you having a good understanding of your cancer and expected treatment. All of us have had different experiences, different treatment and even different reactions to the same drug but what we do have in common is we have all had that feeling of disbelief upon diagnosis. Sending you my best wishes in getting through the next few weeks - it does get easier when you have some plans in place. Take care, Jane xx1 -
Thank you everyone , I first found this lump about 5 mth ago and was told it was nothing, I'm teffified it's to late for me and spread , I asked a gp for Valium as I'm a wreck , he said he doesn't prescribe s8? Drugs , I can't eat , can't sleep, I'm a shaking , sweating anxious wreck0
Hi Tam007. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. Have you heard about Cancer Council 13 11 20?
It's a helpline for dealing with cancer. It may be worth a phone call, to help youget through the weekend.
Take care, Lyn1 -
Hi @Tam007 , sorry you have had to join this forum but I have found some lovely women here going through the same thing that can offer a lot of support and guidance. I was only diagnosed about 6 weeks ago so I remember all those emotions you go through at the beginning. My GP and my surgeon both offered me sleeping pills which I turned down but later realised I needed them as I just couldn't switch off, especially at night. I was prescribed Temazepam which is a light sleeping pill but sometimes used to treat anxiety. I found it took the edge off and let my mind shut down for long enough to get some rest without totally knocking me out. Like you, I was a nervous wreck for the first few weeks. I was completely consumed with fear and couldn't function with day to day stuff but once I could get some decent sleep, it was a bit easier to cope with things. And once I knew exactly what I was facing, I found I didn't need the sleeping pills anymore. It was just that period of not knowing that was the worst.
Rochelle xx0 -
@Tam007 Valium is a S4 drug...just means it is locked up in a cupboard. Really...if your Dr really doesn't have much compassion I would consider seeing a different Dr...this is a long journey you are embarking and you need somebody who will support you. I've heard excellent reports about the cancer council helpline. What you are experiencing is normal...most of us were frightened, distressed and anxious. I cried a lot at the beginning. All of us fear the spread. The tests do help as at least you feel you are doing something. Tryvto keep busy if you can. Draw your friends and family in will need them Kath x
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Hi @Tam007 I can relate to how you are feeIing, was told from biopsy it was early with lumpectomy & then possibly only radiotherapy & sentinel node was clear & then full pathology came back, told it was a "bad" cancer, had to have mastectomy, full axilla clearance & bone scan, Ct. They do all that to make sure they they get all the right information. I feel waiting for pathology is the worst time, once you are on treatment you know where you are at. I lost 5 kilos in those couple of weeks & oncologist has referred me to free counselling, there are lots of free services out there. I didn't think I could work through chemo but am still after 2 sessions of AC so you don't know what you will be capable of. I also have sleeping pills from oncologist, just insist you need something, this is really the worst & frightening part, I cried for 6 weeks but you do get past it when you have a plan, take care & best wishes xx0
I dropped 5kg just from the diagnosis as well. Sorry you have been diagnosed but at least now a treatment plan is forming and once its all figured out you will feel better about it. I went public for all my treatment as with hubby and sons unemployed we had no money for fancy private cover. The public system was exemplary and I had very little waiting at all. Three weeks to each surgery and three weeks after that for chemo to start. I told family and my husband even told neighbours as he needed support as well. They were all great and sometimes dropped off a meal for our family or a bunch of flowers just to let me know I was in their thoughts and prayers. If you can click on my name and find my first few posts, I wrote heaps down at the time including the biopsy part. Little tip on that, frozen vegs are a godsend for a stinging breast afterwards.
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I am sorry that you have joined us.....but glad that your team is now doing everything possible to do what is best for your situation....The waiting is the worst....What's important now is to BREATHE......I mean really breathe.....write down all the questions you may have, no matter how silly you think they are.....Keep a journal........try not to use Dr Google!..... Surround yourself some trusted support people...if you haven't got anyone, seek support form the centre you will learn very quickly who is important and who isn' kind to's ok to be scared, angry, upset, but if it consumes you, seek help....there is so much support for you to access, not only here, but throught your Dr's and the clinic you are attending.....TRUST your team, if you don't....get another Dr! .....TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME, ONE APPOINTMENT AT A TIME.......Yes, biopsies hurt, but remember it is an essential procedure so that a treatment plan can be actioned...... Nothing in this experience is's going to be tough, every emotion you've ever known will surface, sometimes all in one day!.....but you know what? YOU ARE TOUGHER! YOU'VE GOT THIS! .....and we've got your back - Sending you love and light
- Tracy
My tumour was 7cms....I've had 2 lumpectomy surgeries with auxillary clearance as nodes were positive....6 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy and am now into 12 sessions of 25 radiiotherapy...WE ARE TOUGHER THAN WE THINK!2