Experiences with Docetaxel, Herceptin, and Perjeta
Hello ladies I am newly diagnosed with stage II, HER2 pos, E/P receptor neg breast cancer. I have been reading your posts this week and feel very comforted by the great combination of information and support. The process has been very confronting for me, but the kindness of others that I have experienced along the crazy…
Cold/ice socks to prevent peripheral neuropathy
Hi all, does anyone know where I can obtain cold/ice socks to try to prevent peripheral neuropathy in my feet and toes? I had my first chemo yesterday (so far no major reaction) with Taxotere, and was able to use the scalp cooling system and iced mittens ( this wasn't as bad as I expected either!).However, they didn't have…
Re febrile neutropenia ... round two
I had to go into hospital after I developed a high temp (39.9) after chemo 3 .... right at the end of the 3 week cycle. I was on FEC for the first 3 chemos and until then had felt really on top of things after my steroid dose was reduced to just 8mg with the subsequent 2 chemos. The steroids give me agitated depression…
Diagnosed 2 weeks today & need help with mindset please
Hi Everyone, I am a 39 year old mother of 2. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and what a whirlwind it has been. I have IDC Grade 3, triple negative cancer. I have had a Lumpectomy and sentinel node removal and the margin and all 4 nodes were clear. My Bone & CT were also clear. I was told by my GP of my diagnosis who told me we…
Port Insertion Tomorrow
Hi All I'm having a port inserted into my chest tomorrow prior to starting chemo next week (my veins are too fragile to cope with lots of needles apparently). Just wondered if anyone had any advice on the procedure (too cowardly to watch it on youtube) I know it's completed under local but was wondering about how long it…
Side effects from first TCH treatment and what to expect for the next 5
Hi all, I was diagnosed with a HER2 positive tumour (but hormone receptor negative) just over 2 weeks ago and involvement of one axillary lymph node as well.Doing chemo first then surgery. I am 54 and was working full time (fortunately in a well paid job with a supportive employer and lots of sick leave owing etc). I had…
Feeling lost :(
Hi, I've just been told I have breast cancer and now have to wait for hospital/surgeon to contact me for a pre op appointment. Just turned 51 and didn't see this coming as I suspect most don't. From what I can gather its stage 2 and I've been told I will have to have a mastectomy but it could be up to 6 weeks away. Keen to…
Hi all, haven't started chemo yet but am I able to get eyebrows tattooed while I'm going through treatment? im worried about looking sick as I feel it will add to my anxiety. or is it possible to get it done prior? Any advice on this would be amazing. ps. This forum is amazing and u don't know what I'd do without it.
My Journey Begins
Hi everyone I am a 35 yr old that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am scheduled to have a mastectomy in just over a weeks time. I am still in the processing stage and am feeling numb today. I am wanting to share my journey for 2 reasons. 1 to get some advice and help from others and 2 that maybe my story can…
New too!
Hi, I was recently diagnosed (mid July) with metastatic bc in liver, (stage 4) hr receptive. What a shock! Had no clue at all. I just found out that I can go on the new ribociclib trial. I'm a little worried about the fatigue. Glad to have this forum to read about the experiences of others. - clear
Hi. I've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. I've already had a lumpectomy and removal of lymph nodes, followed by a second surgery. Waiting on results and chemo to begin. My mind is spinning, I've got a million questions, which I'm hoping to find the answers to here
Triple neg now red skin
so I’ve just started ac dose dense for tnbc in my right boob and Thursday I had my second dose. All ok and dealing with side effects but this morning I noticed the skin where the tumour is and where was bruised from the biopsy and clip insertion is red?? Freaking out something’s spread or infected? thks Jen
Just saying Hi
Hi i am new to this so its a bit scary. I was diagnosed in April and have gone though my chemo 4cycles A/C and 12 week pacletaxol and carboplaintin ( thick i spelt it right) I am having a lumpectomy and auxillary claerence on tuesday and i am a bit nervous about it. Has any one got any tips about coping with nerves about…
No treatment or surgery
Did anyone diagnosed with early breast cancer (invasive) decide not to have any surgery/treatment? This probably sounds crazy to most of you, but I’m struggling to agree to any of the options being offered to me after recently being diagnosed. I’m 40 and due to an existing long term issue I already have chronic pain in…
chemo starts Wednesday.... faaaarrrrkkkk