Newly diagnosed; Treatment order advice
i have seen my surgeon yesterday, apparently I have to have all three; surgery, chemo and radio; it’s just the Order.... i can have chemo first to try to shrink very large tumour then surgery, as if I have surgery first it has to be a masectomy; then whether I want reconstructionnat the same time; how do you work out which…
Clipped my wings
What a whirlwind! Mammogram on Monday. Biopsy Friday and surgery next Tuesday. This is me https://www.shewentwild.com/blogposts/2017/12/1/life-and-adventure-on-a-postie-bike Nothing like cancer to interrupt one's plans. I've survived an aneurysm so I'm well acquainted with the medical system. I can deal with the emotional…
Benign then malignant
Hi all. My story is a little different. I went for a mamogram just to do the right thing. I am 52yrs. I had a mamogram and ultrasound and the radiologist reported very specifically carcinoma and was so sure came in straight after ultrasound and told me to go to gp the next day. I did she sent me for ultrasound biopsy which…
New here
Hi, Although I dropped in on someone else's conversation the other day as I've been stalking these pages, I thought I should be brave and introduce myself. I'm 54 with 3 kids, primary through to high school ages. I had a breastscreen done 3 weeks ago, was recalled last Friday and diagnosed on Tuesday night with a 2.5cm…
Not the midlife crisis I was planning on...
A few months ago I realised that my 40th birthday was looming and becoming harder to ignore. Mild panic started setting in - what have I done with my life? I'm running out of time to have a second child, I need to find a career I love, I need to bite the bullet and buy the acreage of rolling hills and start the farm I…
Disappointed and confused by the system
I should start by saying I am almost 73 and have had a lifetime of excellent health (apart from hysterectomy a couple of years ago) and never expected to be dealing with this. Mammograms stopped a few years ago, as is recommended. Never had a problem, apart from a few cysts which had to be drained. But after some odd…
Single Masectomy
Hello, I joined this group a few weeks ago, but this is my first time posting. I was diagnosed with breast cancer of my left breast in September. I had breast conserving surgery and they removed 40mm of invasive cancer, plus my margins had several DCIS and one out of two nodes had cancer. I went back for surgery in October…
Lab doing more stains - what does this mean?
I had my wide excision on Friday with wire localisation. An anxious wait til today for results. When I rang today I was told the lab was doing more stains on the sample. My core biopsy was DCIS intermediate grade. Does this mean it isn't and is something else?
Any Oncology or Haematology or Palliative care nurses out there?
Well this is still all quite surreal to me! I’ve been an oncology/haematology/palliative care nurse for 30+ Year’s .....when people ask what kind of nursing I do I generalise and say “I’m a cancer nurse!” This diagnosis adds a whole new meaning to the title! Lol! I’ve kind of dodged a bullet (well compared to many) as only…
Newly Diagnosed
Hi Still getting my head around this Breast cancer is it good to get second option as my Breast surgeon said it was a no brainer to get both Breast of as have cancer in both I am feeling all over the place and can not talk to people as I just burst out crying it was so hard telling the kids as they are young and its hard…
Chemo over, but just the beginning...
Last Friday I finished 5 months of chemo, 4 AC dose dense every two weeks then 12 weekly taxol. The last 3 weeks I only got out of bed with painkillers such was the burning in my muscles and bones. My fingernails and toenails went purple from week one and are now all just yellow horny structures dropping off bit by bit. I…
Here I go again.
I am 25 months post mastectomy, 4 rounds of TC chemo, no radiation, was then put on Exemestane which apparently is the rolls Royce of Tamoxifen and a Zoladex injection every 28 days. First diagnosed in July 2015, I decided on mastectomy. Tumour was measuring 4.4cms and was found to be very aggressive. Most common form of…
Post Operative Clothing
Hi everyone, I am about to have a unilateral mastectomy and was wondering what I should wear home after the surgery. Sounds like an odd thing to ask probably, but my brain is scrambled. Thankfully for any suggestions. Jasi1
Advice on Prosigna
Hi, I was diagnosed on the 1/11/17 and currently going through the choices of treatment. Can anybody give me any information on the test Prosigna? I have had the surgery (lumpectomy) and seen the oncologist who has recommended this test and if I chose not to have it, then I am lining up for chemo for 3 months starting asap…
So unsure
Hi All, My first time in this forum and to be honest I've avoided anything to do with focusing on my breast cancer. Pink just turns my stomach and I'm angry with my health professionals because I feel like a number to arrive very three weeks for chemo and have nurses unable to find veins and poke holes in me which just…